FAO Governing Bodies

125th Session of the FAO Council

26–28 November 2003 | Rome, Italy

List of Documents (CL 125)

Main Documents
C 2003 - Series
CL 125/INF - Series
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 125/INF/1 Provisional Timetable J0584
CL 125/INF/2 Provisional List of Delegates and Observers J0941
CL 125/INF/3 Provisional List of Documents J0453
CL 125/INF/4 Note on the Methods of Work of the Council Y9887
CL 125/INF/5 Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Finance Committee J0623
CL 125/INF/6 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Community (EC) and its Member States J0932
CL 125/INF/7 Implementation of Decisions taken at the 124th Session of the Council J0689
CL 125/INF/8 Revised Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 2003-2004 J0886
CL 125/INF/9 Officers of the Conference and Council Y9892
CL 125/INF/10 Annual Report of the Joint Inspection Unit (A/58/34) Y9938
CL 125/INF/11 Programme of Work of the Joint Inspection Unit for 2003 (A/58/64) Y9937
CL 125/INF/12 Report of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit: Reform of the Administration of Justice in the UN System: Options for Higher Recourse Instances (JIU/REP/2002/5) Y9936
CL 125/INF/13 Report of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit: United Nations System Revenue-producing Activities (JIU/REP/2002/6) J0010
CL 125/INF/14 Report of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit: Implementation of Multilingualism in the United Nations System (JIU/REP/2002/11) J0012
CL 125/INF/15 Report of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit: Managing Information in the United Nations System Organizations: Management Information Systems (JIU/REP/2002/9) J0026
CL 125/INF/16 Report of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit: Evaluation of United Nations System response in East Timor: coordination and effectiveness (JIU/REP/2002/10) J0142
CL 125/INF/17 Report of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit: Extension of Water-related Technical Cooperation Projects to End-Beneficiaries: Bridging the Gap Between the Normative and the Operational in the United Nations System (Case Studies in Two African Countries)(JIU/REP/2002/4) Comments of the Chief Executives Board for Coordination J0117
CL 125/INF/18 Strengthening Coherence in FAO's Initiatives to Fight Hunger J0743
CL 125/INF/19 Information on the Split Assessment Methodology and Practical Aspects J0769
CL 125/INF/20 Additional Item for the Provisional Agenda as Proposed by Indonesia Japan, The Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand on behalf of the Asia Group and as Members of the Council J0809
CL 125/LIM - Series
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 125/LIM/1 Status of Contributions and Arrears J0929