Wall or Mosaic? Fighting Desertification in the Sahel
30 October 2018
30 October 2018
Whether constructed to manipulate societies or assert order over natural environments, humans have long loved walls. As literal barriers between areas, walls have the power to either stave off powerful forces or confine them. In the Sahel, a semi-arid region...
Can the Great Green Wall change direction?
26 September 2016
26 September 2016

CNN - A 7,700-kilometer wall of trees, running through 11 countries along the southern frontier of the Sahara Desert.
That's what the African Union proposed in 2007, a "Great Green Wall" that was to be the largest living structure on the...
Senegal planta cara al desierto
14 June 2016
14 June 2016

Kebemer, Senegal -“Aquí sólo había viento y arena, no nos quedaba más salvación que el nomadismo”. En el extremo norte de Senegal, la arena de las dunas de Lompoul han pasado de arrebatar los cultivos, casas y salud de la...
Deze Grote Groene Muur moet Afrika redden
10 May 2016
10 May 2016

De Grote Groene Muur moet Afrika redden van de droogte. Een vijftien kilometer brede strook met bomen van Senegal in het westen tot Djibouti, meer dan zevenduizend kilometer oostwaarts. Het plan, in 2005 geopperd door de Nigeriaaanse president Olusegun Obasanjo,...