Action Against Desertification

Since 2015, Action Against Desertification helps local communities in the Jérémie arrondissement of Haiti’s Grand’Anse department with the restoration of degraded land by planting native species of trees, shrubs and grasses. The project also promotes the development of non-timber forest products.
Action Against Desertification supports local communities, government and civil society of six African countries - Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, the Gambia, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal – as well as Fiji and Haiti in the sustainable management and restoration of their drylands and fragile ecosystems affected by desertification, land degradation and drought.
In 2018, Action Against Desertification is preparing to restore 18 000 hectares of land, planting well-adapted native species of trees, shrubs and grasses in six African countries — Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal — plus an estimated 2000 hectares in Fiji and 1 500 in Haiti.
Action Against Desertification helps countries to identify, assess and prioritize their capacity needs in land restoration and sustainable land management by engaging a wide array of stakeholders at local, national, regional and international level. This includes government, civil society, women’s and producer organizations, technical organizations, research institutes and local communities.
M&E has helped Action Against Desertification assess its activities, while the collected data are used for decision-making, corrective action, continuous improvement of the programme and as a guide for similar projects.
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