Zambia hosts regional CountrySTAT advanced administrator training workshop

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in Zambia in collaboration with FAO organized a five-day CountrySTAT advanced administrator training workshop, from 12 until 16 November in Lusaka, for members of the national CountrySTAT teams from Anglophone countries in Africa and the regional team from the East African Community Headquarters.
The objectives of the workshop are to provide the participants with an advanced training on the new CountrySTAT System based on cutting-edge open-source technology FENIX. In particular, the workshop will focus on:
• IT module and the new CountrySTAT system
• Statistics module of CountrySTAT
• Presentation of the draft communication strategy for CountrySTAT
• Presentation and discussion on work plans for 2013
• Brief presentation on the new FAOSTAT and Food Balance Sheets
The workshop is expected to provide a platform for the participants to assess the current situation, identify possible gaps and future needs, contribute to the formulation of work plans for 2013 and to make recommendations to further promote the use and visibility of CountySTAT at regional and national levels.
Main recommendations from the workshop are available here.