Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD)
Asia and the Pacific Region

Surveillance Evaluation Tool (SET): A guide for SET evaluators

Surveillance Evaluation Tool (SET) Manual is a comprehensive methodology to guide assessors in implementing SET and ensuring that the assessments between countries are of an equally high standard.

Biannual report summary of the regional project titled

Biannual report summary of the regional project titled "Strengthening Mechanisms in Animal-health for a Resilient Association of Southeast Asian Nations (SMART-ASEAN)".

Progress in the implementation of the SMART-ASEAN project: July to December 2022

Biannual report summary of the regional project titled "Strengthening Mechanisms in Animal-health for a Resilient Association of Southeast Asian Nations (SMART-ASEAN)".

Pakistan: Evaluation for action. Assessing animal disease surveillance capacities, August 2023

This report highlights the findings of an evaluation of Pakistan’s animal disease surveillance system in Pakistan in August 2023, using FAO’s Surveillance Evaluation Tool (SET), evaluates animal disease surveillance capacities in Pakistan, conducted in August 2023. Strengths and gaps are identified based on interviews with stakeholders at national, intermediate and field levels and a thorough review of documentation related to animal disease surveillance in the country.

Global consultation on African swine fever

To support countries in their endeavor to manage the ASF risk, the FAO, in collaboration with the WOAH, has brought together ASF experts, risk managers, and private sector representatives to provide latest scientific knowledge and consult on recommendations for updated, more effective and sustainable disease management approaches. The consultation was held in FAO HQ in Rome on 12-14 December 2023 and was attended by more than 200 participants in person and online.

FAO animal production and health: Annual report 2023

The 2023 Annual Report of the FAO Animal Production and Health Division (NSA) provides in-depth information, highlights, and stories related to FAO's work on livestock production, animal health, and One Health in 2023, including the organization of the first-ever Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation.

Front cover of the publication on the progress of the implementation of the SMART ASEAN Project

Biannual report summary of the regional project titled "Strengthening Mechanisms in Animal-health for a Resilient Association of Southeast Asian Nations (SMART-ASEAN)". This report address the progress in the project implementation by highlighting the key achievements and key activities between July to December 2023.

Progress in the implementation of the Smart Association of Southeast Asian Nations project

Biannual report summary of the regional project titled "Strengthening Mechanisms in Animal-health for a Resilient Association of Southeast Asian Nations (SMART-ASEAN)". This report address the progress in the project implementation by highlighting the key achievements and key activities between July to December 2023.

Advancing Joint Risk Assessment using the One Health Approach in WHO South-East Asia Region Colombo, Sri Lanka, 25–27 July 2023

Since 2017, the collaborative efforts of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the World Organisation for Animal Health have led to the development and roll-out of the Joint Risk Assessment (JRA) Operational Tool (OT), a practical instrument linked to the Tripartite Zoonoses Guide. This meeting was held to strengthen JRA using a One Health approach in the WHO South-East Asia Region.

Community African swine fever Biosecurity Interventions: helping smallholder farmers and communities fight ASF

As the importance of ASF prevention in smallholder settings has increased, FAO has launched the Communication African swine fever Biosecurity Interventions (CABI) project across five countries in the Asia-Pacific region. CABI is designed to strengthen good biosecurity practices among smallholder farmers. The CABI brochure serves as a concise and efficient information tool to raise awareness about the project's objectives and engage stakeholders in ASF prevention efforts.

Cambodia: Evaluation for action - Assessing animal disease surveillance capacities, August 2023

This report presents the results of an evaluation of animal disease surveillance capacities in Cambodia, conducted in August 2023. The evaluation was a collaborative effort between various organizations and individuals, including the National Animal Health and Production Research Institute (NAHPRI), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The International FAO Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring (InFARM) system Manual for implementation 2024

The FAO's InFARM system supports countries in monitoring AMR data from livestock, fisheries, and aquaculture. It aids in generating reliable AMR evidence, filling critical data gaps. This document outlines InFARM's implementation roadmap and offers a step-by-step guide for officials, including recommendations for mobilizing participation and sharing AMR data. FAO invites members to strengthen national AMR surveillance systems.

Global strategy for the prevention and control of high pathogenic avian influenza (2024–2033)

This four-pager document provides a high-level strategic direction to support and inform the development and/or revision of national and regional action plans for HPAI prevention and control. It is not intended to be prescriptive or binding. It presents the animal health sector including the wildlife component (with a particular focus on poultry as the sector where animal health interventions can significantly reduce HPAI) of a wider One Health approach to the prevention and control of HPAI.

Reporting to the relevant authorities if an infectious disease is known to occur in an animal

An effective disease surveillance system helps in early detection of disease outbreaks, reporting and reporting of disease outbreaks. providing knowledge As important to effective control as it is to emergency preparedness, it is a key task. One of the keys to success in the prevention and control of animal diseases is early disease detection.

First South Asia transboundary animal diseases coordination meeting for peste des petits ruminants, foot-and-mouth disease and lumpy skin disease: Joint meeting report

The report includes summaries of disease situations and a review of progress in their control in the region, and lists recommendations to mitigate the impact of these diseases and improve their control in South Asia.

Guidelines on monitoring antimicrobial use at the farm level

FAO RAP, WOAH RRAP and the WOAH SRR-SEA developed a joint guideline on Monitoring antimicrobial use at the farm level. The guideline provides detailed guidance on establishing a farm-level AMU monitoring system including conducting a situational analysis; establishing an operational mechanism; and technical preparation.

Monitoring and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial pathogens from aquaculture

The guidelines provide a regional overview of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance in aquaculture, including the importance of harmonizing methodologies across the region, approaches to the design of AMR surveillance in aquaculture, sample consideration and transport, laboratory methods, and AMR data management including collection, storage, analysis, and presentation.

Epidemiology Mapping Tool (EMT): Evidence-based tool to improve animal health system

A key component of strengthening animal health systems involves scaling up a solid veterinary epidemiology capacity. FAO's Epidemiology Mapping Tool (EMT) provides a comprehensive assessment to identify gaps and formulate action plans, enhancing national strategic objectives for epidemiology capacity development and providing evidence for improved policy and practice. The tool was developed by the FAO Emergency Centre Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) in Asia and the Pacific.

Operationalization of One Health

The operationalization of One Health brochure consists of assessment tools and guidance developed by FAO and partners, which Member Nations can utilize at all levels according to specific needs. This brochure provides information on FAO's available support to enhance One Health implementation in the countries.

Sustainable livestock transformation

This publication identifies the strategic priorities that will guide FAO's work on animal production and health in the future. A clear and decisive change of pace, an acceleration towards concrete and close objectives that FAO through the Animal Production and Health Division will achieve.