What we offer
Strategic institutional and policy frameworks
EPIC analyses the institutional structure and the policies promoting agriculture in a country. According to the findings, EPIC provides advice on mainstreaming climate change mitigation and adaptation into policies and programs. This includes capacity development on policy coordination among public and private stakeholders.
Capacity development
Developing and enhancing the capacity of many stakeholders, including agriculture and climate change policy-makers, students and researchers, is one of the main priorities of EPIC. In partner countries, EPIC provides training courses, workshops, and on-site visits. As a result, participants gain the knowledge needed to take informed decisions and promote Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) systems.
Contributing to international negotiations and processes
EPIC contributes to multilateral negotiations on climate change, such as the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) through the submission of briefs and reports and supporting countries in their Nationally Determined Contributions.
Investment proposals and financial options:
EPIC helps stakeholders with the formulation of climate change and agriculture investment proposals, serving as a liaison between national and global entities, and advocates to finance CSA initiatives.