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The EX-ACT team is strengthening ties with International Financial Institutions (IFI) in the context of greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting in agriculture.
In March, the team presented the EX-ACT tool at the meeting of the UNFCCC IFI Technical Working Group on harmonization of standards for GHG accounting. The presentation focused on [...]
The S.E.E.D. Hub
The Smart Extension and Efficient Decision-making (S.E.E.D.) Hub is a free-of-charge application that gathers and distributes information on weather forecasts, market prices, agro-meteorological advisories, and agro-market advisories to small-scale farmers in Sri Lanka.
The EX-ACT suite of tools is composed of three appraisal systems developed by FAO to provide estimates of the impact of AFOLU-related activities on climate change, biodiversity and societies.