Forests are vital for biodiversity, climate resilience, rural livelihoods, and global economies. When sustainably managed, they contribute to green value chains, carbon-neutral economies, and renewable material supplies. However, illegal and unsustainable practices, along with the conversion of forests to other land uses, threaten these benefits, diminishing forests’ roles and deterring investment in the sector.
The various initiatives under the Legal and Sustainable Wood (LSW) Umbrella Programme address these challenges by promoting legal, sustainable, transparent, and deforestation-free wood value chains. Aligned with global commitments—including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Global Forest Goals, the Paris Agreement, and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework—FAO builds on partnerships among its members to advance a holistic approach to forest management.
The initiatives focuses on four key pathways: strengthening governance frameworks, enhancing assurance systems, building capacities, and improving access to finance. These efforts aim to improve forest governance, support MSMEs and smallholders, and promote compliance with international regulatory and market requirements. The Programme encourages stakeholder collaboration, policy reforms, capacity building, and investment in legal, sustainable, and deforestation-free wood value chains.
By fostering transparent trade, market access, and compliance with legality, sustainability, and deforestation-free standards, FAO contributes to forest conservation, sustainable practices, economic growth, and job creation. Its activities support global transitions to low-carbon bio-economies, ensuring that forests continue to benefit ecosystems and communities worldwide.
Our initiatives
Forest Governance and Value Chains Programme (2023-2028) is a key mechanism for implementing the Forest Partnerships established between the European Union and partner countries.
FLEGT Africa and Latin America Facility (2024-2026) assists partner countries in implementing roadmaps or joint implementation frameworks in line with their agreements with the EU towards VPA implementation, with the ultimate objective of supporting the improvement of forest sector governance.
FAO-EU FLEGT Programme (2008-2022) provided technical support and resources for activities to further the goals of the European Union’s FLEGT Action Plan, helping tropical timber producing countries establish and implement measures to tackle illegal logging, promoting trade in legal timber products, sustainable forest management (SFM) and poverty reduction.