
©FAO Luis Tato

Forest products and services

Partnerships and initiatives


©FAO/Marc Vandenhaute
FAO statistical overview records significant 12 percent drop from record levels in 2021-2022
Forests, trees and wild species in agrifood systems
Forests and wild-harvested forest foods are crucial to achieving global interconnected biodiversity, climate and nutrition goals but are often overlooked in agrifood systems policies and programmes, according to a new brief by FAO and partners.
Building a sustainable bioeconomy in Africa through forest products – trends, opportunities and challenges
Africa’s forests hold huge potential to contribute to a sustainable bioeconomy and help combat climate change if the region can overcome unique challenges, according to a new joint report by FAO and Dalberg.


Sustainable forest management as means to enhance self-reliance and promote climate resilience in displacement settings

The brief explores the interconnections between access to natural resources, energy needs, environmental degradation, climate vulnerability, and social cohesion, all within the context of safeguarding forcibly displaced populations and host communities while fostering resilience.

Global forest products facts and figures 2023

Global trade in wood and paper products dropped steeply from record levels in 2021 and 2022, with the paper trade continuing to decline under pressure from digital media, according to the latest data released by FAO.

Forests, trees and wild species in agrifood systems

Enhancing and optimizing the benefits of forests, trees and wild species for biodiversity, climate and health.

Elearning Academy

Farmer Field School programmes
Farmer Field School programmes

Farmer Field School (FFS) is a participatory education approach that brings together a group of small-scale food producers to solve production problems...

Developing bankable business plans for sustainable forest-based enterprises
Developing bankable business plans for sustainable forest-based enterprises

This course has been developed to improve the capacity of small-scale producers and small and medium-sized enterprises to access investment and other...

Climate-smart forestry
Climate-smart forestry

This course explores the role of forests and trees in climate-smart agriculture (CSA). It takes into consideration the ecosystem services and goods...


International Day of Forests 2024: New solutions for a better world

Innovation is unlocking the forests’ long-kept secrets and allowing us to use trees in ways we never imagined possible.

Sustainable wood: The manifesto

Over the centuries, we’ve moved away from using wood as a building material, at great cost to the planet.

Sustainable wood: Climate-friendly cities

Find more videos on the FAO Forestry YouTube playlist

Sustainable wood: Housing a growing population

A growing population means more buildings to fit everyone. By 2030, we will have to house an additional 3 billion people. Using wood from sustainably...

Sustainable Wood: Building the future

Wood can be a material of the future, helping to build a bio-economy for the planet's health and economic recovery. Durable “cross-laminated timber”...

Forests and sustainable production and consumption

For millions of people across the world, wood helps provide safe drinking water, food and shelter - but wood can do much more and is a renewable resource...

Is your toothbrush made of plastic or wood?

Replacing more of the plastic things we use every day with wood-based products from sustainably managed forests can help combat climate change and achieve...

Sustainable forests: a powerful ally against climate change

Climate change is subjecting our planet to unsustainable pressures. Forests and trees trap and store carbon as they grow – standing at the frontline...

The Sustainable Development Goals need forests

Forests are critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are a vital part of our global ecosystem. They not only contribute to...