Policy, governance and economics

Grow the Solution initiative aims to promote wood-based products for climate

FAO and EU launch 15 million euro project to boost sustainability of Uganda’s forestry sector

Forestry and social protection must be better aligned, says new report

Towards a digital public infrastructure for deforestation-related trade regulations
The development of digital public infrastructure to support compliance on aspects of trade regulations related to forest monitoring helps smallholders by enabling their access to regulated markets.

Strengthening coherence between forestry and social protection for sustainable agrifood systems transformation
Approximately one-third of the world’s population depend on forests for their livelihoods. This document presents a guiding framework to assist governments and development organizations in attaining coherence between social protection and forest policies to improve the well-being of forest-dependent people.

Contribution of the forest sector to total employment in national economies
Forests and the forest sector are important sources of employment, livelihoods and incomes for millions across the globe, particularly in rural areas. Despite the relevance of forests for employment and income generation, limited quantitative information is currently available. This study employs a new method to provide sound total employment estimates in the forest sector on a global scale.
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Developing bankable business plans for sustainable forest-based enterprises
This course has been developed to improve the capacity of small-scale producers and small and medium-sized enterprises to access investment and other...

Sustainable financing of forest and landscape restoration
To meet countries’ national commitments to restoring degraded landscapes, adequate public and private investments are needed. This course has been developed...

Tenure security for better forestry: Applying the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure
Strengthening tenure creates powerful incentives for the sustainable use of forest resources. Based on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance...