
©FAO Thomas Nicholon

Policy, governance and economics


Grow the solution
The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) Communicators Network Joint Initiative today launched a new initiative to encourage greater use of products made from sustainably grown wood as a key strategy for combating climate change.
FAO and EU launch 15 million euro project to boost sustainability of Uganda’s forestry sector
FAO has launched a 15 million euro ($16.29 million) project funded by the European Union to help Uganda’s forestry sector contribute more sustainably to the economy and the environment.
Strengthening coherence forestry and social protection
A new report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) calls for social protection and forestry to be aligned to work towards shared goals of risk reduction and poverty alleviation for forest dependent people.


Impact of the shea nut industry on women's empowerment in Burkina Faso

This study, developed in collaboration with Bright Futures of Burkina Faso, surveys 183 women and 6 men including 36 leaders of shea groups, to provide quantitative analysis on the economic resilience derived from shea nuts in terms of income, assets and savings.

A mapping of social protection needs and opportunities for forest-dependent communities in Uganda

This study investigates poverty and vulnerability of forest-dependent communities. The qualitative approach sought to determine and analyse the diversity of social protection needs and opportunities for forest-dependent communities in five districts and make recommendations as to action to address them.


This study provides a rationale for building linkages between social protection and sustainable forestry in developing countries.


Grass charcoal production in Ghana

In Ghana, small producers are revolutionizing the production of charcoal. By using savanna grasses to make charcoal briquettes producers promote renewable...

Restoring land and livelihoods with beekeeping in Tanzania

In northern Tanzania, recurring drought in recent years caused by climate change has put pressure on communities who make their livelihoods by keeping...

International Day of Forests 2021: Forest restoration – a path to recovery and well-being

Restoring forests helps build a healthier world for ourselves and for future generations. By replanting and managing forests sustainably, we can help...

Forest and Farm Facility amplifies the potential of forest and farm producer groups

The Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) works directly with producer organizations to help them become stronger, amplify their potential and connect with...

#2BillionCare - do you?

Two billion people live in the drylands, which cover 41 percent of the world's land area. Far from being bare and lifeless, these drylands contain trees...

Why does legal timber matter?

The FAO FLEGT Programme has supported over 200 projects in 40 tropical timber-producing countries to improve forest governance and support legal timber...

Empowering forest communities in The Gambia

A nationwide programme to transfer government-owned forest land to local communities is changing lives in The Gambia while promoting the sustainable...

State of the World’s Forests 2016: Forests and agriculture - land use challenges and opportunities (longer version)

Agriculture remains the most significant driver of global deforestation. Large-scale commercial agriculture and subsistence agriculture currently account...

FAO and the Mau Forest

Kenya's Mau Forest stretches over the hills between the Rift Valley and Lake Victoria. Rain falls every day here for at least six months of the year,...

Forests for food security and nutrition

Forests provide an estimated one billion people globally with nutritious foods. Their products are consumed directly by people living in and around...