
Flagship publication
The State of the World's Forests

International forestry journal
Restoring the Mediterranean region – status and challenges

FAO Yearbook of Forest Products
Sustainability by numbers: Forest products at FAO

FAO Forestry Papers
Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry
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Community-based monitoring in the context of sustainable wildlife management and biodiversity conservation in tropical countries
This document features eight main key lessons that emerge from the implementation of community-based monitoring in the context of wildlife management and biodiversity conservation, across 15 countries in Africa, the Guyana Shield and the Pacific Region in which the Sustainable Wildlife Management Programme is implemented.

Sustainable forest management as means to enhance self-reliance and promote climate resilience in displacement settings
The brief explores the interconnections between access to natural resources, energy needs, environmental degradation, climate vulnerability, and social cohesion, all within the context of safeguarding forcibly displaced populations and host communities while fostering resilience.

Assessment of emerging employment and decent work opportunities and challenges in the forest sector
This report assesses the potential impacts of megatrends on employment in the forest sector, focusing on both current employment and emerging opportunities. The study examines existing decent work challenges and identifies key issues likely to develop alongside these new opportunities. It also assesses the specific employment opportunities and challenges within different forest industry subsectors.

Promoting innovation and tradition: solutions for climate change adaptation in mountains
Escalating impacts of climate change pose unprecedented challenges to mountain people, threatening their traditional ways of life and survival strategies. This publication discusses how mountain adaptation solutions contribute to addressing the climate crisis.

Global forest products facts and figures 2023
Global trade in wood and paper products dropped steeply from record levels in 2021 and 2022, with the paper trade continuing to decline under pressure from digital media, according to the latest data released by FAO.