

Protecting Mongolia's forests

An FAO programme that helps local communities in Mongolia to protect their own forests is being seen as a model for action in the Asia-Pacific region....

Forests for food security and nutrition

Forests provide an estimated one billion people globally with nutritious foods. Their products are consumed directly by people living in and around...

Edible insects

While you wouldn't find too many of them on menus in Europe or the US, in many countries 'insects' form an important part of people's diets. In fact,...

Changing Landscapes of the Mediterranean

In the run up to the first International Day of Forests on the 21st March 2013, the countries of the Mediterranean are meeting to discuss the state...

International Day of Forests Tree planting event in Tlemcen, Algeria 2013

The United Nations General assembly has proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests. From 2013, the day will be observed each year to celebrate...

International Day of Forests 2013

The United Nations General assembly has proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests. From 2013, the day will be observed each year to celebrate...

Mountains and climate change: A global concern

In a changing climate, mountain regions are among the most vulnerable. They provide the world with resources such as water, timber, biodiversity and...

Forestry and the forest industry in a green economy

An effort is under way worldwide to better manage our planet's forest resources and better enhance their role in mitigating climate change. Forest loss...

Forests for people

In this film, we explore the work being done by FAO and its partners across the globe to involve local communities in the protection of their forests....

Protecting forests to preserve livelihoods

An FAO programme that helps local communities in Mongolia to protect their own forests is being seen as a model for action in the Asia-Pacific region....

Forest regeneration in the Philippines

This project highlights the vital role of local communities in managing, conserving and developing forests. The Food and Agriculture Organization of...

Turning the tide on desertification in Africa (long version)

In Senegal, the Acacia project has involved the planting and managing of Acacia forests in arid lands helping combat desertification while providing...