The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

Advisory Board Workshop of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

From 24/09/2023 to 26/09/2023

Location: Darwin, Australia

This Advisory Board Workshop of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration will be held in conjunction with the World Restoration Conference in Darwin, Australia. This workshop marks an important milestone as the board embarks on its second term (2023-2025). The Advisory Board Workshop brings together renowned experts, practitioners, and stakeholders from around the world to provide strategic guidance for the UN Decade and initiate and lead on key activities. The workshop will serve as a platform to shape and strengthen collective efforts towards achieving the ambitious goals set forth by the Decade and rally partners.

During the workshop, participants will engage in dynamic discussions, interactive sessions, and targeted working groups focused on various aspects of ecosystem restoration. Together, they will identify priority areas for action, develop strategies, and foster collaboration to accelerate the restoration of degraded ecosystems worldwide.

The Advisory Board Workshop will also offer a unique opportunity to interact with the Advisory Board members, who bring a wealth of expertise and diverse perspectives to guide our work. Their valuable insights and recommendations will shape the future direction of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, in support of the Action Plan of the UN Decade and with support of the UN Decade Task Forces.

World Restoration Conference participants are invited to express interest to connect with Advisory board members and the UN Decade Secretariat team present in Darwin.

Contact: [email protected]