El Mecanismo para la Restauración de Bosques y Paisajes

Take the survey "Seed and seedling supply for forest and landscape restoration" by 3 October 2022


The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have launched the survey "Seed and seedling supply for forest and landscape restoration" that is available to take until 3 October 2022.

Are you involved in implementing forest and landscape restoration projects or buying or selling planting material for restoration? If yes, kindly respond to this survey to help identify existing capacities and capacity needs in sourcing tree seeds and seedlings for diverse restoration objectives: Take the survey!

Global forest and landscape restoration commitments require large amounts of tree seed and seedlings and provide opportunities for local stakeholders to participate in seed supply. At the same time, forest loss and degradation reduce seed availability and quality, making seed sourcing increasingly difficult for individual projects. The purpose of this survey is to:

  • assess practitioners’ capacities in sourcing and producing tree seed and seedlings for forest and landscape restoration; and
  • identify capacity development needs to improve the availability and quality of tree seed and seedlings for restoration targets. 

The results will be used to design capacity development tools and activities to help restoration practitioners source fit-for-purpose seed for their project needs.

‘Seed’ is used to refer to any type of planting material, including seed, seedlings, wildlings or vegetatively propagated material. Projects or programmes with any objectives or using any restoration method are invited to respond.

It would really help us if you could respond to the survey and also distribute it through your networks. The survey is also available in French and Spanish at the links below. 

In French: www.surveymonkey.com/r/FLR-FR

In Spanish: www.surveymonkey.com/r/FLR-ES