

Ejido or Land owned under the Ejido system

The concept of ejido has different connotations and is used only in the Mesoamerican region. In Mexico, Ejido is a legal concept arising from the Mexican agricultural reform and established in the Mexican Constitution of 1917. As a result of this, groups of peasants formally known as population nuclei receive from the State the collective ownership of a particular piece of land, previously expropriated from estates extending beyond what was permitted by law. In Guatemala and other Central American countries, Ejido is land registered to a community (municipal Ejido) and which usually contains rural or urban human settlements. Persons who live in an ejido generally pay a form of rent to the community.


The term eviction comes from the verb to evict (dislodge from, abandon a site), whose original meaning was to abandon the ownership of an immovable asset to avoid encumbrance. Eviction now involves removing the occupants of freehold land by administrative enforcement, considering that these persons have no right to be on the site. The place is generally vacated by force with the involvement of the judicial authority. In the legal system of some Latin American countries, it could also involve dispossession or eviction, noting that for these two actions the administrative or judicial authority is always involved.

Exhibitions or Public Viewing

This is the presentation to proprietors, owners and holders of a given area, of the plans, cadastral maps and other land ownership data resulting from cadastral mapping to give them the opportunity to express their agreement or disagreement with the information displayed. This activity is advertised in advance in written mass media or other means of communication to allow interested parties to attend at the times and in the places established for this activity to take place.

Experimental Evaluation

Experimental or random evaluation is considered the technically most robust evaluation design, which consists in the random selection of beneficiaries within an entirely defined universe of individuals. The process of the random allocation of programme interventions or services creates two statistically identical groups, one that takes part in the programme (treatment group, Tr = 1) and one that, while complying with all the conditions for participation, is outside it (control group, Co = 0).


The term externality, also known in the economic literature as neighbourhood effect or spillover effect, refers to the effect that economic actions undertaken by various agents (producers or consumers) can have on the interests of third parties, not directly involved in the transaction. When the externality is advantageous (positive externality) it is also called external economy, and if it is disadvantageous (negative externality) it is known as external diseconomy.

Extrajudicial Conciliation

Extrajudicial Conciliation is a cheap, quick way of settling disputes with the help of a third party called a facilitator. Through dialogue, the facilitator facilitates communication between the parties, to overcome differences and reach agreements that satisfy all parties, based on which a record of settlement is entered into.

External Users

These are identified as:

Users on demand
These are citizens who individually correctly request a registration or cadastral proceeding to legalize or register a property through buying-selling, merger, mortgages, or cadastral or registration certificates, or who request titling of property that they own.

Automatic beneficiaries of land administration services
Referring to persons who take part in cadastral mapping and regularization, clearing and titling (RCT) through the corresponding LAI, without having explicitly applied to receive the service.

Qualified or specialist users
Who perform actions in the Register or Cadastre for the transfer, modification or encumbrance of property on behalf of interested parties. They are usually Notaries Public, financial consultants, administrators or surveyors.