
Training for SLM Adoption and the Implementation of FFS in Uganda and Tanzania - 7-18 November 2011 in Tanzania and 4-17 December 2011 in Uganda

In late 2011, two training of trainers (ToT) sessions were held in Mbarara, Uganda and in Bukoba, Tanzania for Kagera TAMP field facilitators. The goal of these two sessions was to train Kagera field staff on Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and the implementation of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in the Kagera basin. The main objective included increasing the capacity of stakeholders and their knowledge for the promotion of integrated agro-ecosystem management in the Kagera basin.

The first session was held  from November 7-18, 2011 in Misenyi district in Bukoba, Tanzania. The second session was held from December 4-17, 2011 in Mbarara, Uganda.

The training methodology combined a two-pronged learning approach, which included: i)  theoretical training in class; and ii) hands-on practical training in the field. Theoretical training session provided concepts and principles of SLM and the FFS methodology through presentations and constructive feedback and discussions. Group dynamics were also  kept in mind, with the use of ice-breaker games to foster more inclusive participation of the trainees. A training needs assessment was also used in the Bukoba ToT at the outset, as a demand-driven process, to better target the needs and knowledge gaps of the participants for the training session.

Outputs of the two training session also included: the development of action plans (at the district and catchment level of project activities), to be carried out over the next year; and the development of a monitoring and evaluation framework for project outcomes.