
LUS & QM maps validation - 7/10 March 2012 in Musanze, Rwanda

A four day workshop on improving and validation of Land use systems (LUS), Land degradation (LD) and Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Maps was organized in Musanze from 7th -10th March 2012. Prior to this workshop a multidisciplinary team of 11 experts was identified and selected to participate in the LUS/LD/SLM map improvement and validation workshop. The selection was based on their technical background and field experience especially in agronomy and natural resources management. The experts included; agronomists, foresters and ecologists.The LUS Map was reviewed and corrections made based on the land database obtained from the department of Land and Mapping of Rwanda Natural Resources Authority (RNRA). The LUS Map was endorsed after making correction through GIS manipulation and on the basis of the views from the multidisciplinary team. However, the land degradation maps were not finalized due to shortage of time thus most of the work was focused on generating QM data base through filling the QM forms.