
O Guia de avaliação da eficácia da co-gestão das pescarias oferece um processo e um método de avaliação do desempenho de um sistema de co-gestão das pescarias e do seu plano, de modo a aumentar a sua eficácia na obtenção [...more]
2024 - FAO
The Training Syllabus for Evaluating Fisheries Co-Management Effectiveness provides a structured framework for assessing the performance of fisheries co-management systems. It offers a comprehensive outline that trainers can modify, customize, and expand upon as necessary to suit the specific requirements [...more]
2024 - FAO
Cabo Verde is one of the Africa Small Island Developing States (SIDS) where fisheries make substantial contributions to achieving food security, creating employment, and increasing income. Fisheries production has increased significantly in the past decades while recent years showed capricious [...more]
2024 - FAO
Ce rapport a été développé dans le cadre du projet "Sustainable Fish Value Chains for Small Island Developing States” (chaînes de valeur durables du poisson pour les petits États insulaires en développement). Le projet vise à contribuer à la croissance [...more]
2024 - FAO
Co-management, a collaborative decision-making approach between governments and diverse user groups regarding shared resources, has evolved across natural resource settings. Traditionally applied in fisheries, forestry, and water management, co-management tackles short-term resource allocation and long-term climate adaptation challenges. Despite aquaculture's [...more]
2024 - FAO
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