KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience


03 April 2023
The status of women in agrifood systems report uses extensive new data and analyses to provide a comprehensive picture of women’s participation, benefits, and challenges they face working in agrifood systems globally. The report shows how increasing women’s empowerment and [...]
21 March 2023
Rebuilding agricultural livelihoods and rural communities This brochure provides an overview of FAO’s approach to supporting the sustainable reintegration of the forcibly displaced. It is part of a series of briefs on durable solutions, which highlight key approaches to forced displacement [...]
01 March 2023
In recent years, the number of people and countries facing food and nutrition crises has consistently increased. According to the Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC), 2021 saw unprecedented levels of acute food insecurity and malnutrition. Around 193 million people [...]
21 February 2023
Over 5.4 million people will likely experience acute food insecurity in March and June, about 970,200 children likely to suffer from acute malnutrition through 2023 Latest data shows a likely unprecedented deterioration in Kenya’s food security situation, with over 5.4 million [...]
30 January 2023
An estimated 4 million children under five and pregnant and lactating women in Afghanistan are likely suffering from acute malnutrition through April 2023 and need urgent malnutrition intervention. The latest IPC Acute Malnutrition Analysis projection shows that 875,227 children will [...]
29 December 2022
The Global Network's 2022 Financing Flows and Food Crises Report features an analysis of external financing flows to food sectors in food crisis countries. The Financing Flows and Food Crises report serves as a companion piece to the Global Report on Food [...]
01 December 2022
As applications of resilience have increased the associated measurement options have grown. An unintended consequence of such growth is that the proliferation of resilience measurement approaches hinders efforts to generate evidence that is conceptually consistent and empirically comparable. To address this problem, [...]
28 November 2022
It is projected that nearly 1.5 million children under the age of five are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition from June 2022 – May 2023. This is 19% higher than the cases forecasted in 2021. This figure includes 367,000 [...]
23 November 2022
Nigeria IPC Alert: Nearly 6 million children in the Northwest and Northeast are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition In the current period of May – September 2022, more than half of the 134 Local Government Areas (LGAs) included in the [...]
27 September 2022
Hazards may occur suddenly (sudden-onset) or develop over time (slow-onset) and threaten people’s lives and livelihoods and all the pillars of sustainable development. Since 2016, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has supported extensive country-level work [...]