KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

This third edition of the Resilience Focus magazine has been produced by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in collaboration with the Drylands Learning and Capacity Building Initiative (DLCI), an independent regional resource and facilitation organisation based in Kenya.  The articles in the magazine have been selected [...]
Currently, the world is faced with an unprecedented call for action at a moment in which three countries (Somalia, Yemen, and northeast Nigeria) have been identified at risk of famine, after the declaration of famine in South Sudan early this [...]
Intergrating agricultural production with agroforestry to build resilience during heat wave season in Ch’ortí region
The rural population in the Eastern dry corridor of Guatemala is highly vulnerable to food insecurity. This territory, consisting of seven departments, has the highest population density and the highest rates of absolute poverty. Within these seven departments is the [...]
Promoting a peaceful and lasting resolution to land conflicts in a protracted crisis context through a fair and environmentally sensitive approach
Since the late 19th century, the vast natural resources of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have constantly provoked violent interventions from outside the country and fueled internal conflicts. Population pressure, competition for land resources, mining, forestry and hunting, lack [...]
Guidance to implement the CFS-FFA
Operationalizing the CFS-FFA is a global priority for FAO under its Strategic Programme 5, “Increasing the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises”. In July 2016, FAO started developing a series of Guidance Notes on key areas of its work in protracted [...]