Gender-sensitive approaches promoted by the Rome-based Agencies Resilience Initiative
From 2017 to 2023, the United Nations Rome-based agencies (RBA) – the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the World Food Programme (WFP) – implemented a joint initiative funded [...]

Safeguarding agricultural and pastoralist livelihoods by transforming a longstanding threat into a sustainable resource for women and youth
This good practice fact sheet provides an overview of a FAO project implemented in Berbera, Odweyne and Toghdeer districts of Somaliland between 2016-2018 entitled “Supporting communities in Somaliland to ‘make Prosopis make money’ through Cash-For-Work (CFW) and small business development”. This project, [...]

Operationalizing the humanitarian-development-peace nexus through the promotion of intercommunity coexistence
The Greater Karamoja Cluster (GKC) encompasses the southwestern parts of Ethiopia, northwestern Kenya, the southeastern parts of South Sudan and northeastern Uganda. Pastoralism is the principal source of livelihood in the GKC. Pastoralists largely depend on natural seasonal pastures and [...]

Improving crop yields to increase smallholder farmers’ incomes and boost their resilience to the impacts of climate shocks and stresses
Eighty percent of the population of Kenya relies on agriculture for its livelihood. Agriculture is the backbone of the Kenyan economy, accounting directly for 26 percent of GDP and 60 percent of total export earnings. However, Kenyan farmers face major [...]
An implementation strategy to support pastoralist communities build resilience against drought
Recurrent drought, degraded rangelands and reduced access to traditional grazing lands have left pastoral communities in the Horn of Africa’s arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) more vulnerable and facing severe livestock feed shortages. During dry spells, pastoral communities suffer from [...]