KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Building resilience in disaster prone areas in Central America’s Dry Corridor
The most vulnerable part of Central America is the “Corredo Seco” (Dry Corridor), an area running across of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, which is characterized by very variable and extreme weather conditions: regular abnormal dry spells and droughts, [...]
This webinar was organised with support from the European Union. 27 May 2016 Share your feedback on the event Speaker: Raffaello Cervigni, World Bank Moderator: Shukri Ahmed, Deputy Strategic Programme Leader – Resilience, FAO Drylands are at the core of Africa’s development challenge. They make up about [...]
Support for widespread adoption of fuel-efficient mud stoves to strengthen resilience to conflict in protracted crises
The protracted conflict since 2003 in Darfur, Sudan has resulted in massive loss of human lives and assets, disrupted livelihoods and led to severe food insecurity in some areas. As of December 2015, more than 2.6 million people are currently [...]
Dimitra newsletter 28 highlights experiences of development approaches that are helping in the fight against poverty in rural areas. Reducing rural poverty and strengthening the resilience of agriculture-based livelihoods are key aspects to which the Dimitra project is making a special [...]
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