KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Protecting livestock and agricultural production during floods and droughts
In Bolivia, seasonal flooding is common in the lowland and low slope (1 percent) department of Beni, where some of the most important rivers converge. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) identified the important practice of [...]
Generating job opportunities to strengthen resilience of rural young populations
In Mali, 40 percent of the population is aged between 15 and 40 and youth unemployment rates are extremely high in the rural areas which represents a clear threat to social cohesion and food security within the communities. The Food [...]
Knowledge Share Fair. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
In the Sahel, around 65 percent of the active population works in the agriculture sector and their livelihoods are therefore affected by climate change, markets and environmental factors. More than half of these are women. Recurring crises pose real concerns [...]
Une approche innovante pour renforcer les moyens d’existence vulnérables au Sahel
Le document s’adresse aux acteurs d’urgence pour l’inclusion de l’approche dans des actions/projets de relèvement rapide ainsi qu’aux acteurs du développement et de la protection sociale qui pourraient être intéressés pour compléter des actions de transfert monétaire avec un soutien [...]
Promoting a peaceful and lasting resolution to land conflicts in a protracted crisis context through a fair and environmentally sensitive approach
Since the late 19th century, the vast natural resources of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have constantly provoked violent interventions from outside the country and fueled internal conflicts. Population pressure, competition for land resources, mining, forestry and hunting, lack [...]