Plant breeding programs in Guyana
Suitable climatic conditions, abundance of natural water resources and adequate topographic and soil characteristics make agriculture an important sector of Guyana's economy, accounting for around 30% of the GDP. Sugar cane and rice are the two main crops of Guyana.
The three main institutions carrying out plant breeding activities in Guyana are NARI, GRDB and GUYSUCO, and are all public sector agencies. The number and level of training of breeders are low and the budget allocated is showing a significant decline.
The main breeding programmes are rice and sugarcane which are the highest income and foreign exchange earners from the agricultural sector. The other breeding programmes on root crops, pulses and vegetables are focused on food security and improved nutrition. Line evaluation is the most important plant breeding activity followed by line development.
There is a problem of rapid staff changes in Guyana with most of the qualified staff leaving for better and more lucrative jobs externally. The inadequate number of breeders for each crop is therefore the most limiting factor for success. Other major constraints are the lack of financial resources and the inadequate availability of laboratory infrastructure to carry out experiments using advanced plant breeding techniques.
Research and education institutes
with activities in plant breeding
National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB)
Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo)
Information by Azim Hosein (2009) - Information based on the Guyana's full report from the PBBC survey.
Last revised 31-07-2009, GIPB