Global Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building

Plant breeding programs in Moldova

Geographical situation of MoldovaAs the poorest country in Europe, the Republic of Moldova counts heavily on agriculture and food production to sustain its people’s welfare. Agriculture involves around 60 percent of the Moldava’s population. Agricultural land covers 75 percent of the territory, accounting for almost one fifth of GDP. At present, one third of the country’s agricultural land is given over to maize, followed by sugar beet, wheat, grape, apple, sunflower and potato, respectively

As a result of the transformation of agriculture which followed the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, agriculture is currently at a stage of reorganization and adaptation and shows negative trends. For example, the production volume in agriculture decreased by half in comparison with the level of the year 1990.

The scientific research in the agricultural and food sector is carried out by a network of institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry. Within the 9 institutions carrying out plant breeding activities in Moldova, only one belongs to the private sector. This is a relatively high number of institutions, taking into consideration the country’s size and its total agricultural area. Most of these institutions have a long tradition of breeding and a relatively high number of academically well-prepared research staff.

The Republic of Moldova has a wide range of crops included in national programmes, responding mainly to domestic demand. The main crops are grape, wheat, triticale, maize, sorghum, barley, soybean and sunflower.

Inadequate financing is the main constraint for plant breeding activities in Moldova. The available structures, such as adequate experimental fields, laboratories and equipment, suffer as a result of reduced investment in biotechnology research. The shortage of personnel, especially young staff, is also a major issue.

Research and education institutes with activities in plant breeding

Public Institutes

Botanical Garden Research Institute

Botanical Garden Research Institute (BG)
Website available in Moldovan

Founded in 1950, the Botanical Gardens (Research Institute) conducts scientific research on the flora resources of Moldova, including introduction and conservation of the biological diversity, and developing the species of plants of value for the national economy. It has been involved in carrying out breeding of plants for 35 years. Research in the field of biotechnology of plants has been carried out for 20 years. The institute deals with forage crops, fruit crops and ornamentals.

Faculty of Agronomy

Faculty of Agronomy, State Agricultural University of Moldova (UASM)
Website Available in Moldovan, Russian and English

SAUM has been involved in plant breeding for about 70 years and in plant biotechnology for about 10 years. This faculty includes 5 departments: Plant Breeding Genetics and Biotechnology of Agriculture Plants; Plant Sciences, Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry; Agronomy; Botany; and Plant Physiology. As a result of the activity of the Department, 10 hybrids of maize, 5 varieties of wheat, 3 varieties of soybean, one variety of Phaseolus and one variety of Triticale have been developed and released.

National Institute of Wine and Viticulture

National Institute of Wine and Viticulture Research (NIWVR)
Website Available in Moldovan, Russian and English

NIWVR was founded in 1910 and is the main scientific institute which carries out research on grape breeding. It has been involved in plant breeding research for 90 years and in plant biotechnology for 5. At present the Institute is a public organization with the mandate of conserving grape genetic resources, developing new varieties and clones of grapes, development and improvement of technological procedures in plant breeding, viticulture and wine production, creation of new types of wine, sparkling wines, divines, and other strong drinks. As a result of the long-term activity of the institute, they have developed 250 new forms and varieties of grapes.

No Website

Genetic Research Institute (GRI)
No Website Available

Organized in 1985, this public institute was created in the framework of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (Public sector). It has been involved in plant breeding research for about 20 years, and 15 years in plant biotechnology. It is composed of 11 laboratories. Among them two are dedicated to plant breeding activities. The research focuses on the genetic and molecular control of traits of importance (yield, resistance, and quality), protection of genetic resources, and advanced technologies and methods of breeding, including biotechnologies. This institute deals with wheat, triticale, maize, soybean, phaseolus and vegetable crops.

No Website

Institute of Crop Sciences Research (ICSR), Balti
No Website Available

This public institute has carried out research in the field of plant breeding for 61 years. It is one of the biggest research Centres in South Eastern Europe in field crops. It is composed of 7 laboratories and works on many crops, including wheat, barley, sunflowers, sugar beet, soybean, common bean and forage crops. The main direction of research of ICSR is to develop new crop varieties and hybrids, seed technologies, and development of new technologies for cultivation. Since the foundation in 1944  ICSR has selected 260 new varieties, with about 100 being successful in farmers’ fields.

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Institute for Maize and Sorghum Research (RIMS)
No Website Available

RIMS has been involved in plant breeding research for 32 years and in plant biotechnology for 10 years. It is the main scientific institute carrying out research on breeding of maize and sorghum. The main directions of the research work include the creation of hybrids and plant varieties of maize, sorghum, vegetables, potato; seed production; the improvement of the technologies of cultivation of maize, sorghum, vegetables and potato; and the training of specialists. Since 1995 the Institute operates on a self-financing basis.

No Website

Institute of Fruits Trees Research (ITFR)
No Website Available

ITFR has carried out plant breeding research for 90 years, and in plant biotechnology for 15 years. Fruit tree breeding research covers selection for resistance to diseases and developing stock-grafting material with good adaptation to the soil and climatic conditions.

Private Institutes


Centre of Scientific Research “Magroselect”
Website Available in Moldovan

The Centre of Scientific Research “Magroselect” has been founded in 1999 by the agriculture company with the same name. It is involved in plant breeding since its foundation. The principal objective of activities of the Centre is to develop new plant varieties and hybrids of agricultural plants, including sunflower, sugar beet, forage beet and buckwheat. There are 22  scientific researchers engaged in the Centre.



Information by Valentin Crismaru (2005) - Information based on the Moldova's full report from the PBBC survey.
Last revised 09-03-2010, GIPB