Global Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building (test)

from Bangladesh, Thailand, Uruguay and sub-Saharan Africa.

Workshops to design strategies to strengthen sustainable use of plant genetic resources

This section contains reference documents, free of charge or priced, on topics relevant to plant breeding published by organizations and institutions other than FAO.

Plant Breeding and related Biotechnology Capacity assessments

FAO and partners have been assessing national plant breeding and related biotechnology capacity (PBBC) worldwide.  The information gathered provides a foundation for designing comprehensive strategies by national governments, the research and development community, as well as for donor investments.  This survey is concluded in several countries and is still ongoing for many others, through the support of both FAO and the GIPB.

The multi-lingual materials so far produced focus on getting partners and policy-makers familiar with GIPB as a global partnership platform and as a repository of plant breeding capacity knowledge. Other materials describe specific areas where plant breeding has policy implications.