WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

Crop mapping data collection missions in Algeria for the Mitidja Plain season 1


As part of the implementation of the activities of the project "Monitoring the productivity of land and water by remote sensing" (WaPOR phase 2) funded by the government of the Netherlands, crop mapping data collection missions for season 1 were launched from 29 April to 13 May 2024 in the Mitidja plain, the project study area for the 20-metre precision.

These field missions are carried out by the National Office of Rural Development Studies (BNEDER) and following the development of the methodology and sampling, three technical teams are currently mobilized for the information the questionnaire, collect georeferenced data, and take geotagged photos. These data will cover the 100 000 ha of the Mitidja plain, including the irrigated areas of Mitidja West, Mitidja Centre, and Hamiz, as well as the farms.

The mapping of the Mitidja plain and the field database resulting from this work will be used to improve the water productivity data of the WaPOR platform and will also provide the information needed to develop the model for determining water requirements with IWMI and the WaPOR.