WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

WaPOR mission to Morocco


From 9 to 12 October, a mission was conducted in Morocco by FAO to discuss the technical details of the implementation of the LoA with the Pole Digital. The LoA has the objective to develop geo-services for agriculture in both irrigated and rainfed areas, through the development of crop mapping, drought severity and impact maps and estimation of agronomic and economic water productivity. These activities are very much aligned with the new strategy of agriculture of Morocco "Stratégie Green Génération". The mission was the opportunity to review the progress since the LoA signature in May 2023 and select the Loukkos area for the analysis on irrigated crops. After an open discussion with the national stakeholders to refine the activities, a visit of the Loukkos irrigation schemes concluded the mission. The same week, WaPOR was also presented in the Dutch-Moroccan Water Days in Casablanca, as an innovative tool to improve water productivity in agriculture.

Images from the field visit: