Only the main events organized in the country or for country partners are summarized in the table below.
Date | Location | Description |
2017 | Scoping phase, inception and country preparation. | |
July | Cairo, Egypt | Four representatives from the national multidisciplinary team of the water scarcity initiative participated in the regional projects inception workshop hosted by Egypt. |
Dec. | Ramallah, Jenin | A technical mission by a team of two international experts was carried out to set the basis of the implementation of the water accounting and water productivity component together with the national focal point from the Ministry of Agriculture, and the NMDT. |
2018 | The country team was selected and selection of sites for local assessments. | |
Mar. | Cairo, Egypt | A national water productivity focal point participated in a technical meeting on water productivity organized as part of the setting of the collaborative platform on water productivity of the WSI by an FAO project. |
April | Ramallah | A technical mission was carried out that initiated the implementation of the activities of the two joint regional projects (RNE-WEPS and TCP/RAB/36020) with a meeting of the Palestinian NMDT of the WSI acting as an advisory board. |
June | Ramallah | Participation in the Palestinian Water Forum. |
Oct. | Ramallah, Jenin | On the job training to 20 participants on water accounting and water productivity with international experts from FAO and University of Cordoba. |
2019 |
| |
Feb. | Ramallah | A training on remote sensing and GIS for natural resources was implemented to 10 participants. |
Mar. | Cairo, Egypt | Two Palestinian participants attended the Land and Water Days and its high-level ministerial section organized by the League of Arab States and FAO. |
April – Oct. | Tunisia , Morocco and Jordan (site – Jenin) | Three Palestinians from the MoA participated in a regional training for trainers on crop mapping using remote sensing, and as part of the training, the country teams collected data in one site over one season, prepared a crop map using remote sensing, and presented results to the government. |
May | Ramallah | Activities of FFS’s participatory design of the curriculum and selection of FFS plots was launched and implemented for each FFS group. |
Sept. | Cordoba , Spain | Participation of two Palestinian representatives of the countries water accounting team in a specialized regional training on Cordova ET fabrication and installation. |
Oct. | Cairo, Al Minya, Egypt | Participation of four Palestinian representatives from the country water accounting teams in project sessions at Cairo Water Week and specifically a regional training on advanced water accounting introduction for analysts. |
Dec. | Tunis, Tunisia | A preliminary baseline on crop water productivity for strategic crops from national literature was produced and presented at the Regional Water Productivity Conference in Tunis, Tunisia. |
Dec. | Tunis, Tunisia | Participation of three Palestinian representatives of the ET network team in a regional training on establishing and operating a regional network for field measurement of actual crop water consumption (evapotranspiration) organized by ICARDA for the WSI. |
2020 | Various events and trainings were planned during March – April, but had to be postponed due to the CoVID-19 restrictions. | |
Feb. | Jenin | A workshop on RWA was implemented to 30 participants, presenting and discussing the results obtained in Jenin with local stakeholders. |
Feb. | Jordan | A training for facilitators on Farmer Field School methodology was implemented to 20 Palestinian extension agents participating from all the country. |
Feb. | Ramallah | A local workshop to discuss the main outputs of the water productivity baseline study was implemented to 30 participants. |
Feb. – Oct. | Jenin | FFS activities took place in the field with some adaptation during the lockdown period. |
July | Virtual | Presentation of the Al Moqatta Rapid Water Accounting (RWA) in the RNE webinar series on Water Accounting in Use by Salam Abu Hantash and Omar Zayed with participation of the NMDT. |
July | Virtual | Presentation of the project results to key country stakeholders via a Zoom webinar. The session presented in particular the RWA, FFS’s, and the WP assessment for the study area. |
Oct. | Virtual | Presentation of water auditing status in Palestine and next steps was done virtually. |
Nov. | Jenin | FFS schools graduated when the crop season was done. |
Nov.-Dec. | Jenin | Establishment of crop mapping winter season. |
Dec | Virtual | Establishing of MODFLOW training for 7 trainees |
2021 |
Jan | Virtual | - Establishing of two FFSs for Avocado in Qalqilya and one for colored pepper in Tulkarm. - Presentation on the progress of the second round of water accounting has been done. |
Feb | Virtual | - A monthly update on the project has been done, including a meeting on the communication strategy. - A meeting on water harvesting and biophysical planned activities and meetings Fara’a water governance analysis have been implemented. |
Ramallah | A meeting with the national project team was implemented that discussed the progress of the project. | |
March | Virtual | - A presentation on the water accounting midterm report was done. - Meetings with the objective of evaluating the gender consultancy applicants and water governance for Fara’a applicants were held. |
April | Virtual
Ramallah | - A flyer for WP baseline is under preparation - A study on WP for certain prevailing crops is in the project pipeline. - A study on gender-responsive water assessments is on-going. - A study on the Solar Powered Irrigation Systems’ assessment is in the project pipeline - A study on water governance analysis for Fara’a catchment/West Bank is under preparation. - Technical and financial proposals for the study on water harvesting piloting are under preparation. - A regional training course on water management and governance for six Palestinian participants is ongoing. - FAO CB4WA training with OCW IHE Delft for Palestine is ongoing. - Held a meeting with the NMDT discussing the progress of different activities of project. |
May | Ramallah | - A study on gender-responsive water assessments is on-going. - A study on water governance analysis for Fara’a catchment/West Bank is under preparation - selecting and recruiting the consultant, will then start preparation of the literature review. - FAO CB4WA training with OCW IHE Delft for Palestine has been implemenetd. - A meeting with the NMDT and the consultants was implemented. - Preparation of the water harvesting activity through a Letter of Agreement with ARIJ and ICARDA. - A meeting on crop mapping was implemented and field work has started. |
June |
| - Field work for the crop mapping activity has been implemented. - A Letter of Agreement with ARIJ was signed to work on water harvesting. |
July |
| - A Letter of Agreement on water harvesting is under preparation with ICARDA. - Seven Farmer Field Schools are still ongoing. - A report on RWA for Fara’a catchment is under preparation. |
August |
| - A draft report for the study on gender-responsive water assessments was prepared. - Crop mapping results have been analysed. - A report on Rapid Water Accounting for Faraá catchment is under preparation |
September | Ramallah | - An LoA on “testing and out-scaling in situ water harvesting approaches in Palestine” was signed - A study on Water Governance Analysis and Water Harvesting with ARIJ are ongoing |
October | Jenin and Tubas | - A follow up for the work on WH, WA, crop mapping and WGA are on going - Seven FFSs are still on going - The gender responsive assessment is still under review |
November | Ramallah, Jenin, Tubas and Nablus | - A one day workshop on November the 3rd was conducted in PWA on filling the gaps and reducing uncertainties in water accounting. - A two day virtual training course on In-situ WH functionality and soil water process monitoring was conducted with ICARDA on the 16th and 17th of November - A two day workshop on the 22nd to the 23rd of November was conducted on GIS suitability maps for WH with Najah National University - A regional training on ET-network was conducted in Egypt |
December | Ramallah, Amman and Cairo | - A two day training on installing and monitoring soil moisture equipment and two day on design and implementation of water harvesting workshop was conducted in Amman with ICARDA and NARC-Jordan from the 13th to the 16th of December - A regional training was conducted in Cairo on Farmers Business Schools where Palestinian participants joined |
2022 | ||
January | Cairo and Ramallah | - A meeting for the WEPS-NENA project team was held in Cairo with the objective of reviewing, assessing and second phase prospecting |
February | Jenin and Ramallah | - A virtual workshop on the gender responsive water assessments was conducted on the 21st of February - Two ET-CORDOVA stations were delivered to MoA - A mission from the University of Cordoba was implemented in Palestine - A two day training on assembling, and installation of the two ET-CORDOVA stations was conducted from the 23rd to the 24th of February - A report on crop mapping in Palestine was prepared - A draft report on Water Productivity for palm date and olives was prepared - A meeting with Netherlands Representative Office in Ramallah on WaPOR phase 2 was conducted |
March | Nablus, Tubas, Jenin and Qalqilya | - A one day final workshop was conducted on the 10th of March on presenting the findings of the SPIS study - Three Farmers Business Schools were established in Palestine - A second workshop on Water Governance Analysis was held - A training course with ARIJ on good agricultural practices on olive farming was held over three days in three localities - An event under the Every Drop Counts awareness campaign was held in a Girls high school - An event under the Every Drop Counts awareness campaign was held in Najah University - A one day workshop on tomato and cucumber cultivation under greenhouses was held on the 31st of March |
April | Jenin, Nablus, Qalqilya. | - Every Drop Counts campaign was implemented in one high school and one university. |
May | - A final report on date palm and olive trees was submitted and shared. - A study on cucumber and potato biophysical and economical water productivity is ongoing. - An amended LoA on water harvesting is signed with the national NGO ARIJ. - A training on water accounting was implemented. | |
June | - An evaluation meeting was held in Amman and five Palestinians participated in the event. - A virtual workshop on Date palm, Olive trees and Avocado biophysical and economical productivity, the workshop organised via the WP talks webinar series. - A workshop on presentation of results of Avocado FFS was implemented. - Presenting of the SPIS, case of Palestine in the GIZ training course on SPIS. - A national workshop on water accounting and governance was conducted in Ramallah. - A final report on SPIS assessment in Palestine is edited and ready for publishing. |