Nutrition-sensitive agriculture water productivity


From 7 to 8 August, members of the Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture Water Productivity (NsAWP) project, implemented by FAO with financial support from IFAD, hosted a training session to build the capacity of national experts and extension officers to implement nutrition-sensitive agricultural p...


Healthy diets require safe soils and water for food production and preparation. Opportunities for producing quality food while efficiently managing water and other resources to nourish and benefit society as a whole exist but need to be well integrated into policy and development actions. Base...

Sasha Koo-Oshima, Deputy Director of the Land and Water Division, explores the links between sustainable water management and the nexus of climate change, biodiversity and nutrition in
Phase 1 training of national extension officers and project coordinators was held in Benin, Mozambique and Niger from 18 to 20 of October 2022. The training provided comprehensive knowledge related to the efficient management of water, land and other resources.
In October 2022, extension officers and other national experts will be trained on sustainable, nutrition-sensitive agricultural practices as part of an ongoing FAO- and IFAD-supported project among smallholder farmers.
Findings about food security, water security, nutritional well-being, and agricultural practices were shared during a side session, “Water, food and nutrition in a climate crisis: Field insights”, at World Water Week 2022 in Stockholm.
Dissemination workshop - Niger July 2022
FAO in collaboration with IFAD and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Niger held a dissemination workshop on 5th July 2022. During this workshop, findings from the project′s baseline survey and the nutrition-sensitive agriculture water productivity training manual were presented to key stakeholders.
Mozambique dissemination workshop_july 2022-rev
A dissemination workshop was held by FAO in partnership with the IFAD and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Mozambique on 4th July 2022. During this workshop, findings from the project′s baseline survey and the nutrition-sensitive agriculture water productivity training manual were presented to key stakeholders.
Benin dissemination workshop 29 June 2022_rev

FAO, in partnership with IFAD and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Benin, held a dissemination workshop on 29 June 2022. During this workshop, findings from the project′s baseline survey were reviewed and the nutrition-sensitive agriculture water productivity training manual was presented to key stakeholders.

Inception workshop for project launch in Egypt_13 June 2022
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Egypt have launched a new project to strengthen the capacities of smallholder farmers to adopt sustainable management of water, soil and agronomic practices that will contribute to increase productivity and the quality of production in terms of nutrient content and economic value. 
The FAO and IFAD project titled “Increasing water productivity for sustainable nutrition-sensitive agriculture production and improved food security and nutrition” was launched in Jordan during a one-day inception workshop, which took place on 24 May 2022 in Amman, Jordan. The workshop, held in hybrid mode with virtual and physical participants, aimed to introduce the project to relevant stakeholders operating in the water, agriculture, food and nutrition sectors in Jordan and collect valuable contextual information that will guide the implementation of the project in the country.

The fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) which will take place from 9 to 20 May 2022 in Abidjan, Cote d′Ivore will focus on "Land . Life. Legacy: From scarcity to prosperity". It is a call to action to ensure land, the lifeline on this planet, continues to benefit present and future generations...[more] 

Make every drop count: An inclusive, integrated and innovative approach to water scarcity is critical

Agriculture accounts for more than 70 percent of all freshwater withdrawals in the world, which is why there's a need to focus on a "More Food per Drop" approach based on new forms of water management, FAO Director General QU Dongyu said in his  video message to a high-level roundtable at the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal. […more]

Technical validation meeting in Benin_4
A technical validation meeting was be held in Benin on 16 Dec 2021. The objective of the meeting was to review data collected during the field mission in Lokossa and Dangbo communes, Benin. Participants also determined activities for the next phase of project implementation. Participants were drawn from FAO, IFAD, WFP, Ministry of Agriculture, the National Council of Food and Nutrition and other partners.

FAO′s Land and Water Division (NSL) signed a one-year Letter of Agreement (LoA) with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The purpose of the LoA is to contribute to FAO’s aims to promote healthy diets for all, improve water productivity and nutrition for the most vulnerable, and expand access to green innovation. Under the LoA, SLU will provide technical support and scientific advice, as well monitoring, evaluation and capacity building activities to the NSL Project on “Increasing water productivity for nutrition-sensitive agriculture and improved food security and nutrition”.

Launch of SOLAW 2021
The objective of SOLAW 2021 is to build awareness of the status of land and water resources, highlighting the risks, and informing on related opportunities and challenges, also underlining the essential contribution of appropriate policies, institutions and investments. […more]

To identify needs and potential solutions, this side event shared lessons from the ongoing Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture Water Productivity Project being implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Benin, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Jordan and Egypt. Watch the side event video here!

Water productivity, the yield gap, and nutrition. The case of Ethiopia_cropped
Food system transformation is needed to address the hundreds of millions of people without adequate access to water or food for a healthy life. Nutrition and malnutrition are inextricably linked to water for food, sanitation, hygiene. [...more] 
Guidance on realizing water savings with crop productivity interventions
The new FAO Water Report “Guidance on realizing real water savings with crop water productivity interventions” includes clear and practical guidelines on how to implement ‘real’ water savings in agriculture through interventions for enhancing crop water productivity. […more]
World water day

World Water Day 2021 celebrates the different ways water benefits our lives and explores how we can value water properly and safeguard it effectively for everyone. What does water mean to you? Watch the video!