FAO in Indonesia


21 March 2023
Today is the International Day of Forests. A time to look back at the essential role of forests to our life. This year the theme is called: “Healthy Forest for Healthy People”. Forests provide a wide range of benefits to human health, both physical and mental.  Forests protect watersheds and...
13 March 2023
Jakarta (13/3) - The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched a roadmap to reduce antimicrobial usage in livestock in a periodic discussion forum with poultry stakeholders called OBRASS (Obrolan Ringan Akhir Pekan Seputar Unggas) in Jakarta, Saturday (04/03)....
07 March 2023
Digitalization of agriculture is one of the opportunities to transform the agri-food system in Indonesia. As a country with nearly 50% population living in rural area as small farmers and fishers, reaping benefits out of agriculture using digital technology can become instrumental for the smallholders. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) launched...
28 February 2023
  Indonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world and a major producer of agricultural products. With 45% of the population living in rural areas, more than 90% who work in agriculture are smallholder farmers. Agriculture farms take up 32% of the total land area of the country, and...
24 January 2023
  Bangkok – Asia’s cities are growing at such a fast pace that nearly 55 percent of the region’s enormous population is expected to reside in urban areas by 2030, and that will have equally enormous consequences for urban food security and nutrition, according to the main findings of a new...