FAO in Indonesia


22 November 2019
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasingly serious threat to global health. Not only human health but also animal health and the environment are threatened by AMR. An estimated 700,000 people die each year from antimicrobial resistant infections and the health and productivity of an untold number of animals may be...
10 November 2019
Government agencies led by the Ministry of Agriculture, the United Nations, musicians, youth communities and street food vendors have declared their commitment for a healthier Indonesia while conducting a “Healthy Street Food” Festival in Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, as a final event to end the celebration of World Food Day...
02 November 2019
In recent decades, the majority of the world’s population has dramatically changed its diet and eating habits as a result of globalization, urbanization and income growth. We have moved from seasonal, mainly plant-based and fibre-rich diets to ones that are high in refined starches, sugar, fats, and salt. Alongside over 800...
23 October 2019
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) poses a significant global threat to public health, animal health, and environmental health. Bacteria have rapidly evolved techniques to outsmart and escape current antibiotic treatments rendering antibiotics ineffective. Non-considered and irrational use of antibiotics in each sector accelerates the development of AMR in bacteria. For that very reason,...
21 October 2019
Jepara The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations has partnered with the Wooden Furniture and Handicraft Producer Association of Jepara (APKJ) in Indonesia to assist micro and small enterprises in Jepara and Pasuruan Regencies in the Central Java Province to comply with the legality requirements set out in the...