مصايد الأسماك الداخلية


Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1980
An increasing number of impoundments in Southeast Asian countries is now becoming available for fishery management purposes. This report is an overview of reservoir fisheries experience, based both on temperate and tropical countries. It provides a synthesis of information of [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1980
The purpose of this Legislative Study is to provide interested FAO Member Countries with a compendium of basic documentation, often not easily available, on the law of international water resources. It contains the most general international conventions, declarations, and resolutions [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1980
The book is addressed mainly to Fishery Biologists but it is hoped that Fishing Gear Technologists also can acquire some basic knowledge of sampling problems and procedures which, in turn, can result in improved design of gears. To successfully utilize these [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1979
This catalogue includes: (i) all species known to be used for human consumption, (ii) species known to be sold for bait and as sub-products, (iii) species not commercially exploited at present but considered by experts to be of potential commercial [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1979
An Expert Consultation on Fishery Management in Large Rivers was held in Rome from 13 to 17 November 1978. The consultation was organized by the Fishery Resources and Environment Division of the FAO Department of Fisheries and brought together experts [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1979
The first edition of this handbook contained a review of the literature concerned with the utilization of fresh-water aquatic plants going as far back as 1917. The objective was to assemble the ideas and experimental results of those authors and [...]
Type: Publications
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1979
An outline of the inland fisheries resources of India is given with a detailed account of the fisheries uf the Ganga river system. Suggestions are made for the conservation and Development of river fisheries, reservoirs, open estuaries and lagoons. in [...]
Type: Publications
South and central America
Year: 1978
As far as can be ascertained, this is the first indexed bibliography dealing with freshwater fish species either introduced or endemic to the whole Latin American region. Although it was intended to produce a comprehensive reference work, it is almost [...]
Type: Publications
South and central America
Year: 1978
Because of their expanse and fishing potential the inland waters of Latin America are of major importance for the economy of the region and the diet of the population. However, in the development of freshwater fisheries there are considerable differences [...]
Type: Publications
North America
Year: 1978
The taxonomy, distribution, biology, fisheries, management and culture of walleye.