مصايد الأسماك الداخلية

تحسين عملية تقييم مصايد الأسماك

Year: 1984
This paper attempts to improve the predictive capabilities of preimpoundment studies, with special emphasis on fish yields. It relies heavily on empirical models based on a relatively limited data base. It is hoped that the results will show that meaningful [...]
Year: 1980
The book is addressed mainly to Fishery Biologists but it is hoped that Fishing Gear Technologists also can acquire some basic knowledge of sampling problems and procedures which, in turn, can result in improved design of gears. To successfully utilize these [...]
South and central America
Year: 1979
Because of their expanse and fishing potential the inland waters of Latin America are of major importance for the economy of the region and the diet of the population. However, in the development of freshwater fisheries there are considerable differences [...]
Year: 1979
A brief review of the current status of the inland fisheries of Africa was presented as document CIFA/72/8 to the First Session of CIFA (N'Djamena, 1972). This was revised as document CIFA/75/Inf. 6 for presentation to the Second Session (Accra, [...]
Year: 1974
With science becoming more and more important in African inland vaters, there is a greatly increased need for the Fishery Statisticians to be sure that they are using scientific Methods for obtaining the statistical data so indispensable for sound management [...]
Year: 1974
1. ORIGIN, OBJECTIVES AND ORGANIZATION 2. AGENDA AND PROGRAMME 3. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 4. FOLLOW-UP BY THE EIGHTH SESSION OF EIFAC 5. PANEL REPORTS AND SUMMARIES 5.1 Panel 1 - Objectives and Strategy of Sampling 5.2 Panel 2 - Netting Techniques 5.3 Panel 3 - Stupefying Gear 5.3.1 [...]
Year: 1974
Data from thirty one tropical African lakes are combined to evaluate the influence of Morpho-Edaphic factors on fish catch. A relationship exists between increasing Morpho-Edaphic Index (MEI) and catch, deviations from which are partly accounted for by differences in the [...]
Year: 1974
The factors regulating fish production from river systems remains poorly studied and understood. Rivers conform to physical and chemical laws which determine their morphology. From these laws relationships are calculated which estimate the total length and number of streams of [...]
Year: 1973
Les eaux intérieures de l'Afrique jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans l'approvisionnement en protéines animales d'un continent qui manque traditionnellement de ces produits essentiels. L'accroissement de la demande, l'introduction de nouvelles techniques de pêche et, par dessus [...]
Year: 1973
Report and conclusions of an international meeting of experts in electrical fishing held in Giźicko (Poland). Five fishing machines, four of which were portable, producing different currents and using several fishing techniques, were tested to determine their efficiencies, and also [...]
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