Mejora de la evaluación de la pesca

Year: 1995
The post-impoundment bio-ecology of fish fauna, aquatic macrophytes and aquatic birds of Kainji Lake are discussed.Echinochloa stagnina was the dominant species of the aquatic macrophytes, and was used as livestock fodder during the dry season.Fish processing, marketing and distribution in [...]
Year: 1994
A fisheries monitoring survey was carried out between March 1991 and February 1992, at the Sebaboleng dam, Maseru, Lesotho. It was undertaken by the Fisheries Section of the Ministry of Agriculture, Co-operatives and Marketing, Lesotho, and by the Department of [...]
Year: 1994
A survey was carried out of fishing communities along Lake Mweru in Luapula Province, Zambia. The survey consisted of three elements: discussions with fisheries officials; a literature review; monitoring and research activities. Two research teams of three each, assisted by [...]
Year: 1994
ALCOM has been assisting the Fisheries Section, Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana in implementing the project “Development of small reservoir fisheries”.
During phase one, a socio-economic survey around seven smaller reservoirs showed that there is sparse hook and line fishing on those [...]
Year: 1994
This report is an overview of fisheries-related information on thirteen African reservoirs exceeding 300 km2 in surface area. The reservoirs are Lagdo, Maga, Mbakaou and Bamendjing (Cameroon), Kossou and Buyo (Cote d'lvorie), Manantali and Sélingué (Mali), Jebel Aulia (Sudan), Mtera (Tanzania), [...]
Year: 1993
Limnothrissa in man-made lakes: do we understand the implications of their small size?
Lates spp. and other predators as a cause of mortality in small pelagic fish species in the African great lakes
The biology and exploitation of small pelagic fishes in Zambia
2. THE BIOLOGY [...]

Year: 1992
Species composition analysis was used to determine the relationships between the different mechanised fisheries and between these and other techniques. All chambo species were found to be heavily exploited by both mechanised and artisanal sectors, indicating that a single assessment [...]

Year: 1992
Following Government's Fishery Policy (1987–96), FAO/UNDP and the Malawian Fisheries Department have jointly undertaken a project of which the main immediate objective was: to carry out research to formulate a suitable management plan for the Chambo (Oreochromis spp.) fisheries in [...]
Year: 1992
With the publication of the Source Book for the Inland Fishery Resources of Africa (SIFRA) information on more than 900 inland waters of Africa became available. As information on fisheries under varying exploitation is limited for a large number of [...]
Year: 1992
Avec la publication du Recueil sur les ressources halieutiques des eaux intérieures de l'Afrique (SIFRA), des informations sur plus de 900 plans d'eau de ce continent sont devenues accessibles. Etant donné que, pour bon nombre d'entre eux, les informations sur [...]