Inland Fisheries


South and central America
Year: 1979
As far as can be ascertained, this is the first indexed bibliography dealing with freshwater fish species either introduced or endemic to the whole Latin American region. Although it was intended to produce a comprehensive reference work, it is almost [...]
North America
Year: 1979
The taxonomy, distribution, biology, fisheries, management and culture of walleye.
Year: 1979
This paper reviews the direct and indirect means whereby fish is caught (fishing gear, boats, etc.) as well as fishing tactics and strategies in the types of environment characteristics of inland waters in Africa. The role and influence of technology are [...]
Year: 1979
Les eaux continentales d'Afrique ont probablement donné lieu aux meilleures études sur les milieux aquatiques tropicaux. Les lacs naturels, les lacs artificiels et les cours d'eau d'Afrique ont été étudiés dans le cadre de projets extensifs et parfois intensifs et [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1978
Histoire récente et organisation sociale actuelleSituation de la pêche et de l'aquaculture continentales AMENAGEMENT DES TERRES ET DES EAUX PECHE DANS LES LACS ET RESERVOIRS DISTRIBUTION ET COMMERCIALISATION DU POISSON RECHERCHE, ENSEIGNEMENT ET FORMATION Le potentiel productif de poisson par l'élevage intensif est, de l'avis [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1978
GeografíaHistoria y organización social recientesSituación de las pesquerías de agua dulce y de la acuicultura APROVECHAMIENTO RACIONAL DE TIERRAS Y AGUAS IntroducciónEl agua y sus usosEstrategia del desarrollo de los recursos terrestres y de agua Programas importantesProvincia de Hupei (como un ejemplo) Embalses y [...]
Year: 1978
The fisheries of the rivers of Africa and their floodplains have been estimated to yield 40 percent of the freshwater fish produced on the continent. Despite this, research on river fisheries has until now received little attention both in research [...]
Year: 1977
Synopsis. Biological data. Freshwater fish. Taxonomy. Identification keys. Vernacular names. Morphology (organisms). Geographical distribution. Hybridization. Sexual reproduction. Life cycle. Dc:velopment (biological). Autecology. Population characterisdcs. Inland fisheries. Fishing gear. Fishing grounds. Fishery regulations. Habitat improvement. Stocking (organisms). Fish culture. Freshwater aquaculture. [...]
Year: 1976
Taxonomy, distribution, biology, fisheries and culture of largemouth bass. 
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1976
GeographyRecent history and social organizationStatus of freshwater fisheries and aquaculture LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT IntroductionWater and its usesLand and water development strategy Major schemesHupei Province (as an example)Integration of major, small-scale and on-farm schemes Reservoirs and pondsNatural lakesCanals and creeksOn-farm water supply systemPaddy fields Modification [...]