مصايد الأسماك الداخلية

ترشيد تجديد الأرصدة وتحسينها وإدخال الأنواع الغريبة

Year: 2004
Rice today is grown in 113 countries in the world in a wide range of ecological conditions and water regimes. The cultivation of most rice crops in irrigated, rainfed and deepwater systems offers a suitable environment for fi sh and [...]
Year: 2003
FAO, Rapport sur les pêches no 681, Supplément, FIRI/R681 Suppl. (Fr). Le Symposium sur la gestion des pêches intérieures et l'environnement aquatique: effets de la gestion des pêches sur les écosystèmes en eau douce, s'est tenu à Windermere (Royaume-Uni), du 12 au [...]
Year: 2002
The Symposium on Inland Fisheries Management and the Aquatic Environment: The effects of fisheries management on freshwater ecosystems was held in Windermere, United Kingdom, from 12 to 15 June 2002, in concomitance with the Twenty-second Session of the European Inland [...]
Year: 1999
FAO Fisheries Circular. No. 945. Rome, FAO. 1999. 89p. This paper summarizes the results of an effort to characterize inland fishery enhancements on a global scale. The basis for the characterization was an automated literature search in the Aquatic Sciences and [...]
Year: 1998
A total of 1 354 introductions of 237 species into 140 countries are analyzed. The number of introductions carried out rose from the middle of the last century until the 1960s and have lessened since then. Introductions have been made [...]
Year: 1998
Inland fishery enhancements. Papers presented at the FAO/DFID Expert Consultation on Inland Fishery Enhancements. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 7–11 April 1997. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 374. Rome, FAO. 1998. 463p. This document brings together the twenty-eight papers presented at the Expert Consultation on [...]
Year: 1997
Many river systems are shared between different countries, and activities that impact on the water resource in one country may therefore have a direct effect in other countries. Co-operation between countries is crucial for sustainable management of the river resources. FAO [...]
Year: 1997
The Technical Consultation on Species for Small Reservoir Fishieries and Aquaculture in Southern Africa organised by ALCOM, was held from 7 to 11 November 1994 in Livingstone, Zambia. It was attended by 52 participants from within and outside the region. The [...]
Pacific and Australasia
Year: 1997
This report lists the fish stocking/enhancement activities undertaken by the FISHAID project and its predecessor (the Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project). During both projects stock enhancement activities were as approved by the Government of P.N.G. Each species selected (as [...]
Year: 1997
The current interest in small water bodies derives mainly from their utilization for fisheries enhancement, which involves guidance on stocking, exploitation and species management in order to obtain optimum yield on a sustainable basis. The present study is an attempt [...]
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