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Year: 2020
Ce document technique contribuera à une meilleure connaissance de l’utilisation des passes à poissons dans la gestion des pêches continentales et la protection de la biodiversité, se situant ainsi dans le cadre des efforts soutenus de la FAO pour l’amélioration [...]
Year: 2018
This document has been developed in recognition of the increasingly diverse demands for water from irrigation systems and the need to introduce more holistic land uses into conventional irrigation management. Despite historical precedents the potential for the integration of fish [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2017
Habitat or biological connectivity is critical for maintaining species movements, flow of resources and ecological functioning across landscapes. In aquatic systems, connectivity equates to the maintenance of water flow and connection between different ‘patches’ of water, and as such water [...]
Year: 2013
The FAO/SEAFDEC Workshop on Principles of Improved Fish Passage at Cross-river Obstacles, with Relevance to Southeast Asia was held in Khon Kaen, Thailand, in March 2013. In this workshop participated representatives from agencies responsible for fisheries and/or construction/operation of cross-river [...]
Year: 2009
The challenges and prospects of developing a community based generalizable method to assess mangrove ecosystems vulnerability and adaptation to climate change impacts: Experience from Cameroon
Protecting Mangroves: The Role of the African Mangrove Network
The Application of the Ecosystem Approach to Mangrove [...]
Year: 2005
The degradation of inland aquatic habitats through decades of human activities has lead to massive efforts to rehabilitate freshwater habitats for fisheries and aquatic resources in watersheds throughout the world. Many texts have been written on techniques for rehabilitation though [...]

Year: 2005
The four papers presented in this publication address major fishery issues in relation to dams as identified by the World Commission on Dams (WCD) and FAO for the purpose of WCD's global review on "Dams and Development". Characteristics of river [...]

Year: 2002
Fisheries in inland waters have long provided an important source of food for mankind. With the objective to make the use of the resources sustainable and to improve food security and livelihoods, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United [...]
Year: 2002
Many fish species undertake more or less extended migrations as part of their basic behaviour. Amongst the best known examples in Europe are salmon (Salmo salar) and sturgeon (Acipenser sturio), which often swim several thousands of kilometres when returning from the sea [...]
Year: 2000
Thirteen major chapters deal with the following: aquatic macrophytes as fish habitat (spawning, nesting, nursery and feeding habitat, and the significance of structural complexity and density of aquatic macrophytes for fish); fish and other vertebrates of fishery significance that feed [...]