Conexiones con la gestión del agua

Year: 1995
The importance of environmental protection and conservation measures has been increasingly recognized during the past two decades. It is now generally accepted that economic development strategies must be compatible with environmental goals. This requires the incorporation of environmental dimensions into [...]

Year: 1994
This document summarizes the findings of the CIFA Working Party on Pollution and Fisheries. It gives advice on strategies for aquatic pollution control, including the establishment of environmental quality standards, emphasizing the use of risk assessment methodologies for arriving at [...]
Year: 1993
Le présent rapport porte sur l'intensification de la gestion des petits plans d'eau pour la pêche; il se concentre tout particulièrement sur les pays francophones d'Afrique. Le rapport passe en revue différents types de petits plans d'eau et analyse les [...]

Year: 1990
This publication reviews the potential for fisheries production from irrigation canals. It deals with the subject under the following major headings: engineering aspects of irrigation systems; factors limiting fish production in canals; weed growth and associated problems in irrigation canals. [...]

South and central America
Year: 1989
This technical paper summarizes data available in Latin America on structures designed to help fish surmount the obstacles which hinder their migrations and which are due to dam construction. It analyses installation designs, modes of operation and efficiency and discusses [...]
Russian Federation
Year: 1989
This technical paper provides information on provisions, made in the USSR, to facilitate fish migration under conditions of modified river flow resulting from engineering construction (e.g. dams) and water abstraction. The fish-pass and fish protection structures described utilise a knowledge [...]
Year: 1987
The purpose of this study is to call attention to satellite remote sensing as a rapid, costeffective means to provide much of the basic information required to plan for the development and management of small water bodies for fisheries and [...]

South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1985
Inland fisheries in multiple use of resources.
This technical paper presents three case studies of inland fisheries in the context of a multiple-use of land and water resources in the humid tropics of Asia. Two of the three river basins are [...]
Year: 1984
New Reservoirs in Africa, 1980–2000
Africa has one-third of the world's hydropower potential, but only 5 percent of it is developed. The growth of total reservoir surface area in Africa in each of the remaining decades to the year 2000 will [...]

Year: 1984
A series of guidelines is presented which is intended to aid dam design and operating engineers to manipulate the artificial aquatic environments upstream and downstream so as to optimize fish production. The guidelines are based on reviews and in some [...]