Livelihoods, decent work & resilience
Year: 1996
While there are many manuals available on participatory rapid appraisal approaches to monitoring and evaluation, there were none easily used by field officers attempting to aid and encourage fishing community level participation in monitoring and evaluating activities of projects and [...]
Year: 1996
Koko fishing community is one of the major fishing communities in Nigeria. Activities within this sector are mainly controlled and affected by women. Because of the prevailing economic situation in Nigeria, many of these fishing communities face numerous problems, such [...]
Year: 1995
A fish marketing study was carried out in Zimbabwe during October and November 1994. The study was a response to the absence of any up-to-date analysis of the current market situation in the country and the rapid changes occurring in [...]
Year: 1994
This publication reviews the non-fish aquatic resources of Nigeria, i.e. aquatic plants and wetland wildlife, with background information on climate, vegetation, soil hydrology, water resources, water quality and limnology as relevant to the subject. Information on aquatic plants focuses on [...]
Year: 1994
A survey was carried out of fishing communities along Lake Mweru in Luapula Province, Zambia. The survey consisted of three elements: discussions with fisheries officials; a literature review; monitoring and research activities. Two research teams of three each, assisted by [...]
Year: 1994
What kind of information do planners in inland and small water body fisheries need to ensure that gender issues are taken care of in their planning? How can such information be collected? This document contains guidelines concerning both questions. The [...]
Year: 1990
As part of the preparatory phase of ALCOM's Pilot Project on the Utilization of Small Water Bodies in Botswana, a socio-economic survey was carried out amongst communities living around seven selected dams in south-eastern Botswana. The main aims of the [...]
Year: 1990
Harvesting sector
1. Four papers were presented in relation to this item. The first paper, “Feeding habits of Tilapia in Lake Victoria: background studies for fishery recovery designs”, was presented by P. Ochumba; the second, “Socio-economic aspects of the Tilapia, Nile [...]
Year: 1975
This publication will be useful to those who are in charge of introducing programmes of artisanal boatbuilding. Its presentation makes it suitable for immediate application.
Cette publication est destinée aux personnes chargées d'introduire un programme de construction artisanale d'embarcations. De par sa [...]
Year: 1972
A series of working papers from the seminar that cover all aspects of boat deisign in the Lake Victoria region.