В 2012 году Генеральная Ассамблея Организации Объединенных Наций провозгласила 21 марта Международным днем лесов (МДЛ). Этот день отмечается в ознаменование важности всех типов лесов и с целью повышения осведомленности об их роли. Каждый Международный день лесов проводится с целью оказать поддержку усилиям стран на местном, национальном и международном уровнях по организации мероприятий, связанных с лесами и деревьями, например, кампаниям по посадке деревьев. Основную тему каждого Международного дня лесов выбирает Совместное партнерство по лесам.
2014 Theme: Our Forests, Our Future
International Day of Forests photo gallery
Photo gallery: See how people around the world celebrated the Day.
2014 Events
- Forest Film Festival
UNFF [[email protected].]
17 March 2014 - 20 March 2014
United States of America, New York, UNHQ - Art and Photo Exhibit
Organizer: UNFF [[email protected]]
17 March 2014 - 28 March 2014
United States of America, New York, UNHQ - International Day of Forests webcast and seminar: FAO's Global Forest Monitoring
Organizer: FAO
21 March 2014 09:00
Italy, Sheikh Zayed Centre, FAO, Rome
Miscellaneous documents: Programme (English) | RSS Technical Brief (English) | Seminar report (English) - Celebrating Forests for Sustainable Development
Organizer: UNFF [[email protected]]
21 March 2014 10:00
United States of America, New York, UNHQ - International Day of Forests commemoration
Organizers: Zimbabwe Department of Environment, Water and Climate; Zimbabwe Forestry Commission and FAO
21 March 2014 10:00
Zimbabwe, Sango raSekuru Nehoreka Forest, Mahusekwa
Documents: IDF celebrations report (English) | Minister statement (English) | Programme (English) - Native Tree Identification on the International Day of Forests
Organizer: Atlantic States Legal Foundation [[email protected]]
21 March 2014 15:00
United States of America, Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse
Documents: Flyer (English) - Forests for Fashion - Fashion for Forests conference and exhibition
Organizers: UNECE, UNOG, FAO, Permanent Missions of Switzerland, Russian Federation and Italy [[email protected]]
21 March 2014
Switzerland, Palais des Nations, Geneva
Documents:Event summary (English) | Invitation (English) - Inauguration de la Journée internationale des forêts
Organizer: Office français de la Fondation pour l'Education à l'Environnement en Europe [[email protected]]
21 March 2014
France, Rocquencourt, France - International Day of Forests, Bangkok
Organizer: FAO
21 March 2014
Thailand, Bangkok
Documents: Video (English) | Brochure (English) | Report (English) - International Day of Forests, Costa Rica
Organizers: National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) of Costa Rica together with the National Forest Financial Fund (FONAFIFO)
21 March 2014
Costa Rica
Documents: Mapa de Tipos de Bosque de Costa Rica, 2013 (English) - International Day of Forests, Indonesia
Organizer: Ministry of Forestry
21 March 2014
Documents: Ministry of Forestry report (Bahasa) (English) | Our forest is our future: activity report (English) | Photos (English) - International Day of Forests, Philippines
Organizer: Forest Management Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources
21 March 2014
Philippines - Sowing seeds for the International Day of Forests
Organizers: Finnish Forest Association, Finnish Forest Research Institute
21 March 2014
Finland - Tree plantings and workshops
Organizer: Forestry Company Vojvodinašume [[email protected]]
21 March 2014
Serbia, Novi Sad - Use Forests, Preserve Forests Symposium
Organizer: Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute [[email protected]]
21 March 2014
Japan, Waseda University, Tokyo