FAO’s vision is “a Kenya free from hunger and malnutrition, where food and agriculture help to improve the living standards of all, especially the poorest, in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner”.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) works with and provides technical support to the Government through the structured framework espoused in the Country Programming Framework (CPF).
CPF 2022 -2026
The FAO Kenya last year concluded the CPF 2018-2022 cycle and inaugurated CPF 2022 – 2026 that will guide the partnership between FAOKE and the Government. FAO’s Strategic Framework (2022-2031) seeks to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable, agri-food systems for Better Production, Better Nutrition, a Better Environment, and a Better Life, leaving No One Behind.
The Four Betters represent an organizing principle that guide how FAO's efforts will contribute towards the achievement of SDG 1 (No poverty), SDG 2 (Zero hunger), and SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities) as well as the broader SDG agenda, which is crucial for attaining FAO’s overall vision.
United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF)
The Four Betters reflect the interconnected economic, social and environmental dimensions of agri-food systems. In line with this, at the Country Level, FAO Kenya supports the Government of Kenya in the implementation of its priority food systems agenda and the SDGs through the Country Programming Framework (CPF). Furthermore, in the spirit of the UN Delivering as One (DaO), the CPF is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for Kenya.
CPF Focus, Anchors and Result Areas
Global Food Systems Summit
Following the global Food Systems Summit (FSS) in September 2021, whose main focus was to accelerate action towards achievement of SDG 1 and SDG 2, Kenya articulated her food systems vision thus: “to build prosperity through inclusive, innovative, collaborative and dynamic food systems that are based on data-driven decisions to ensure access to diverse diets from climate resilient production in every region of the country.”
Four key leading actions/ food systems transformation pathways were identified to realize this vision and achieve 100% Food and Nutrition:
• Increase number of young people and women access to productive resources
•Increase the uptake of digital agricultural solutions.
• Improve dietary diversity including fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, fish & grains.
• Heighten climate action to build the resilience of the country’s food systems.
The CPF articulates FAO’s contribution to Government’s Agriculture Sector Priorities in the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) and the Fourth Medium Term Plan of the Kenya Vision 2030 (MTP IV). The CPF will contribute to strengthening policies, institutions and investments for agrifood systems transformation within the scope of the Agricultural Sector Transformation and Growth Strategy (ASTGS) and the food systems transformation pathways at the national and county levels.
The Framework sets out to support the realization of Government priority aspirations through two strategic anchors namely:
1. Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Nutrition-sensitive Agri-food Systems;
2. Governance and Social Inclusion in Agri-food Systems.
The anchors will be delivered through five result areas described below:
i. Climate-Smart Crop, Livestock Fisheries and Aquaculture Production Systems
ii. Enhanced Inclusiveness and Efficiency in Agri-food value Chains
iii. Enhanced Climate Actions across Agri-food Systems
iv. Sustainable use of Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management; and
v. Mainstreaming Inclusivity and Institutional Strengthening to reduce inequalities and exclusion in Agri-food systems.
FAO will in addition apply cross-cutting accelerators in all its programmatic interventions in order to accelerate impact. These include:
• Inclusive policies and institutions
• Technology
• Data and capacity development
• Research and innovation
The accelerators will lead the sector to attain the modernization and digitalization that are needed to improve efficiencies and ensure an environmentally sustainable, regenerative and climate neutral agricultural sector that will enhance food and nutrition security, incomes, and employment creation.
FAO will leverage on partnerships throughout the implementation of this CPF. Multistakeholder partnerships will be critical in driving a greater amount and diversity of public and private financing and investment that accelerates realization of sustainable and inclusive food systems.
Result Areas and Outputs
Result Area 1: Climate-smart crop, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture production systems
CPF Output 1: Increased production, productivity and consumption of diverse crops
CPF Output 2: Strengthened animal production systems and One Health approach
CPF Output 3: Improved fisheries and aquaculture production systems
Result Area 2: Enhanced inclusiveness and efficiency in agri-value chains
CPF Output 4: Reduced post-harvest losses, increased aggregation, Agro- processing, and value addition along selected value chains
CPF Output 5: Enhanced and diversified markets and trade opportunities along agri-value chains
Result Areas and Outputs
Result Area 3: Enhanced climate action across agri-food systems
CPF Output 6: Improved water resource use and management for agriculture CPF Output 7: Strengthened anticipatory action, early warning systems and mitigate drought emergencies and disaster risk management
Result Area 4: Sustainable use of Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management
CPF Output 8: Strengthened capacities for integrated management, sustainable use and governance of natural resources
CPF Output 9: Enhanced forest and landscape restoration
CPF Output 10: Improved management and responsible use of agro-chemicals and agricultural Plastics
Result Areas and Outputs
Result area 5: Mainstreaming inclusivity and institutional strengthening to reduce inequality and exclusion in agri-food systems
CPF Output 11: Strengthened governance, gender equity, ascertainment of rights and access to land justice
CPF Output 12: Improved policies and inter-governmental coordination mechanisms in agri-food systems
CPF Output 13: Strengthened capacities and systems on good governance of land
CPF Output 14: Enhanced coordination, governance, capacities and investments in nutrition
CPF Output 15: Strengthened capacities to generate, analyze and manage data and information for multi-sectoral nutrition
CPF Output 16: Strengthened shock-responsive and productive social protection systems
CPF Output 17: Increased opportunities for decent work in agri-food systems.
The CPF can be accessed through the link below: