Agenda and format
DAY 1 – Monday, 9 December 2019
09:00 – 09:55
Opening Session | (German Room)
The session will seek to provide an overview of the purpose and objectives of the workshop, including discussion on how the structure of the workshop along the project cycle will help to identify collaboration modalities among different partners that can enhance the alignment of water investments with SDGs. Speakers will provide brief welcoming remarks and invite short introductions by the participants.
Chair: Sasha Koo-Oshima, Deputy Director, Land and Water Division, FAO
- Opening statements by Daniel J. Gustafson, Deputy Director-General Programmes, FAO
- Statements by Sarquis J.B. Sarquis, Vice President for Economic Research, Strategy and Partnerships & Chief Risk Officer, NDB
- Country representatives addresses
- Keynote speech: Water as a cross-cutting issue: how infrastructure development affects sustainable use of water resources - Olcay Ünver, FAO and UN-Water
09:55 – 10:40
Introducing FAO and NDB: Key Strategic Initiatives Related to the 2030 Agenda | (German Room)
This session will provide an overview of operations of NDB and FAO and highlight the institutions’ shared objectives of promoting growth and development in alignment with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The presentation by NDB will highlight the learnings taken by the Bank from the first Workshop on Development Impact & SDGs and share the current priorities of the Bank to align its operations with SDGs. The session will also discuss the role of the FAO as a custodian agency of SDG 6 and SDG 2.
Moderator: Liping Zheng, FAO
- Integrated monitoring initiative for SDG 6, Riccardo Biancalani, CBL, FAO
- International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture & National Digital Agriculture Strategy, Samuel Varas, CIO, FAO
- SDG monitoring for transformative changes, Valerie Bizier, OCS and Amy Heyman, SP2, FAO
- NDB’s strategy and investments in water and sanitation, Sarquis J.B. Sarquis, Vice President for Economic Research, Strategy and Partnerships & Chief Risk Officer, NDB
- Q&As
10:40 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00
Introducing the Investment Project Cycle and Roles of Development Partners at Different Stages | (German Room)
The session will seek to provide an overview of an investment project life-cycle that spans from strategic planning and identification of an investment opportunity to project implementation, monitoring and completion. Participants will discuss the roles of countries, international organizations and DFIs at different stages of a project cycle, focusing on areas for potential collaboration to deliver better development results aligned with the 2030 Agenda.
Moderator: Nuno Santos, DPI, FAO
- Introducing the investment project life-cycle, Thadeu Abicalil, NDB
- Opportunities for Investment in support of the SDGs (modalities of engagement with DFIs and emerging partners), Khaled Eltaweel, PSR, FAO
- Cities Alliance support across the project life-cycle, Julian Baskin, Cities Alliance
- Q&As
12:00 – 13:00
Networking Lunch
13:00 – 14:30
Deep-dive Session 1: Designing Water-Related Pre-Investment Strategies to Achieve the SDGs | (German Room)
The session will seek to highlight effective partnership modalities for designing water-related pre-investment strategies to help identify the right interventions for achieving SDG 6 and SDG2. Exploring the experience of countries, international organizations and DFIs, the session will describe how these actors may leverage each other’s expertise in activities such as policy review, strategy formulation and water resource assessments.
Moderator: Francesco Pierri, FAO
- Water in the world we want: a water related sustainable development goals, framework for national action, Abderrahmane Ouasli, Ministry of Agriculture, Water resources and Fishery, Tunisia
- South Africa’s approach to closing the SDG 6 gaps through the National Water & Sanitation Master Plan, Mark Bannister, DWS, South Africa
- Upstream Policy Work, Dmitry Prikhodko, DPI, FAO
- Open discussion
14:30 – 15:00
Coffee Break
15:00 – 16:30
Deep-dive Session 2: Preparing and Appraising Investment Projects in Line with the SDGs (Part 1: SDG Mapping) | (German Room)
The session will explore how the sustainability design and preparation of a project which has been identified (and proposed for financing by a DFI) can be enhanced by ensuring the project’s mapping and alignment with SDGs, taking into account both positive and potentially adverse impacts.
Moderator: Luiz Loures, NDB
- NDB’s framework to map development results with the SDGs, Anna Kurguzova, NDB
- NDB’s Environment and Social Framework (ESF), Naval Chaudhary, NDB
- Q&A
- Water Sector Investments and alignments with SDGs, Somnath Basu, AIIB
- SDG considerations in application of Environmental & Social Safeguards of AFDB, Maman-Sani Issa, AFDB
- Q&A
16:30 – 17:00
Open Discussion | (German Room)
Moderator: Stefan Uhlenbrook, IWMI
DAY 2 – Tuesday, 10 December 2019
09:30 - 10:00
Side Event: Presentation of AIIB’s Draft Water Sector Strategy | (Philippines Room)
AIIB has initiated a Call for Public Consultations on its Draft Water Sector Strategy. This session will present the draft strategy and invite participants to take part in the open consultation by providing their comments and suggestions to AIIB.
- AIIB’s Draft Water Sector Strategy – Somnath Basu, AIIB
- Q&As
10:00 - 12:00
Deep-dive Session 3: Preparing and Appraising Investment Projects in Line with the SDGs (Part 2: Project Scoring and IIR) | (German Room)
The discussions will explore effective frameworks and tools adopted by DFIs to measure, monitor and assess the development impact of infrastructure and sustainable development investment projects, with a specific focus on water-related sectors.
Moderator: Qingwei Meng, NDB
- IFC Anticipated Impact Measurement and Monitoring (AIMM) presentation and case study, Issa Faye, IFC
- Q&A
- Project appraisal: approaches and experiences in Latin America, Luis Loyola, DPI, FAO (TBC)
- Q&A
12:00 – 13:00
Networking Lunch
13:00 – 14:25
Deep-dive Session 4: Implementing and Monitoring Water Investment Projects in Line with the SDGs| (German Room)
The session will explore the role of SDG custodian agencies in helping DFIs and countries to implement, monitor and report on development results of projects in alignment with the SDGs. The session will draw from experiences of countries as well as custodian agencies to highlight successful cooperation models and lessons learnt.
Moderator: Ruhiza Jean Boroto, CBL, FAO
- The use of Evapotranspiration (ET) Monitoring System in Water Management: An experience of The World Bank Xinjiang-Turpan Water Conservation Project in China, Takayuki Hagiwara, DPI, FAO
- Project evaluation through FAO-Google remote sensing tools: Collect Earth and Earth Map; the World Bank Tamil Nadu project - Giulio Marchi, DPI, FAO
- SDG 2 and SDG 6 Nexus: Bridging Water and Hunger, Patrizia Fracassi (TBC), ESN, FAO
- Q&A
14:25 – 14:50
Coffee break
14:50 – 16:00
Panel Discussion: Takeaways from Plenary and Deep-Dive Sessions | (German Room)
Moderator: John Preissing, Deputy Director DPI, FAO
- Nuno Santos, DPI, FAO
- Francesco Pierri, FAO
- Mikko Venermo, EBRD
- Issa Faye, IFC
- Demetrio Innocenti, GCF
16:00 – 17:00
Concluding Session | (German Room)
Chair: Daniel J Gustafson, Deputy Director-General Programmes (DDP), FAO
- Participants’ statements moderated by the chair
- Concluding statements by Sarquis J.B. Sarquis, Vice President for Economic Research, Strategy and Partnerships and Chief Risk Officer, NDB
- Concluding statements by Eduardo Mansur, Director, CBL, FAO