Register to the webinar "Nature & Agriculture: Pathways to finance and scale nature-based solutions", 29 October 2020 at 16.00 CET

Nature plays a key role in addressing adaptation challenges. Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) in conservation agriculture can provide healthy ecosystems that yield multiple benefits. FAO and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) are moving beyond research to address the potential for higher rate of adoption of agriculture- and nature-based solutions (Ag-NbS) through the development of financing at scale, from source water protection to soil health, carbon mitigation, water quality improvement, wetland protections, and fisheries and biodiversity benefits.
Ag-NbS are core to providing win-win scenarios that not only enable sustainable agriculture production systems but also address the Global Green Deal. Improved resource efficiency and resilience are show-cased in this webinar combined with food security and rural livelihoods support, while addressing net-zero environmental impacts and climate change mitigation and adaptation. A series of guides to assist countries in capturing Ag-NbS for adaptation to climate change and conservation of land, water and biodiversity, and to allow for cumulative assessment of benefits, valuation and policy priorities to unlock investment, will be shared through findings from the joint FAO-TNC project, and opportunities for developing investable Ag-NbS projects for sustainable agriculture will be discussed.
Click here to register to the webinar
Agenda, 29 October 2020 at 16.00 CET
Sasha Koo-Oshima, Deputy Director, Land and Water Division, FAO
TNC presentations:
Tom Iseman, Director of Water Scarcity and Markets Strategy in the global food and water program of The Nature Conservancy
Eric Hallstein, Deputy Managing Director, The Nature Conservancy NatureVest unit and Partnership lead (Managing Director) and Investment Committee Representative for the Sustainable Water Impact Fund
'Introducing the Adaptation Fund' followed by Q&A:
Maher Salman, Senior Land and Water Officer, Land and Water Division, FAO
Closing remarks:
Maximo Torero, Chief Economist, FAO (TBC)
About the speakers
Tom Iseman is the Director of Water Scarcity and Markets Strategy in the global food and water program of The Nature Conservancy. Tom has over two decades of experience in resolving water scarcity challenges and helping communities adapt to change in the water resource sector, with particular expertise in drought and climate adaptation, water infrastructure, the energy-water nexus and water markets.
Eric Hallstein is Deputy Managing Director in The Nature Conservancy's NatureVest unit and the partnership lead (managing director) and investment committee representative for the Sustainable Water Impact Fund, a partnership between TNC and a private equity firm to invest globally in land and water assets to improve the financial and environmental sustainability of surface water, groundwater and farms. Prior to TNC, Dr. Hallstein was a principal with Imprint Capital Advisors (acquired by Goldman Sachs in 2014), a management consultant for the Boston Consulting Group, a venture investor and Kauffman Fellow with Imprint Capital, Omidyar Network and the CalCEF Clean Energy Fund, and a founding team member of GoodGuide (acquired by UL Environment in 2012).