Land & Water

FAO and WOCAT release new guide on promoting sustainable land management

In a collaborative effort, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) have released a new guide which gives a snapshot on how countries can promote Sustainable Land Management (SLM). It builds upon the successes achieved with the GEF-funded FAO project “Decision Support for Mainstreaming and Scaling Out Sustainable Land Management (DS-SLM)”. The project’s primary achievement is the development of a robust Decision Support Framework (DSF), designed as a step by step guiding tool to plan, implement and mainstream SLM interventions.

The DSF has been co-produced by the fifteen participating countries (Argentina, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Lesotho, Morocco, Nigeria, Panama, Philippines, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan). It is a global knowledge product that, through its modular format, integrates lessons learned from work on land degradation and sustainable land management into an overall strategy for mainstreaming and scaling out SLM at different spatial and temporal scales. The innovativeness of the DSF is illustrated by summarized experiences and insights from the countries involved, demonstrating how the DSF can be adapted to fit different contexts.

The new guide will be presented at the side event “Learning from each other: successful experiences on knowledge exchange and South-South Cooperation for achieving Land Degradation Neutrality“ on 17 November 2023 at the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC) 21.

Download the guide “Promoting sustainable land management through evidence-based decision support-a guide with country insights” >>>