through legislating to combat illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing
FAO, through its Development Law Service, can provide technical legal assistance to Member Countries in the implementation of the PSMA. This is done through projects supporting capactiy development, training and legislative drafting.
Helping to achieve sustainable agricultural development with sound legal frameworks and practices
This brochure provides information to readers on the legal assistance that the Development Law Service provides (LEGN) to FAO Members States through its provision of advice on legal and...
Achieving One Health goals in agriculture through sound legal and institutional frameworks
Implementing the One Health approach in the Agricutlure sector is an important area of the FAO manadate. The support that FAO can provide to Member Countries, through its Development...
A series of 7 briefs for parliamentarians in Africa is now available at the following links:
1. Right to adequate food in constitutions - Legal brief for parliamentarians in Africa No. 1 - Detail card
2. Framework laws on the right to adequate...
In this issue:
Legislating for nutrition
Model laws in the areas of food and agriculture: advantages and disadvantages
Briefing parliamentarians on laws related to food security and nutrition
Perú adopta una Ley Marco sobre Cambio Climático para responder a los compromisos surgidos...