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FAO titles in e-reader format – bringing knowledge to you


How do you prefer to read? On your phone, on your tablet, on your computer, or in print? And maybe the way you do it today is not the same as six months ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has led us to rethink our daily lives and has strengthened FAO’s commitment to ensuring access to its knowledge via the FAO Document Repository and other online platforms.

In addition to the new device-responsive formats now being offered for FAO’s major titles (see the latest digital publication FAO at 75 – Grow, nourish, sustain. Together) we also invite you to try out our e-books for easy offline reading on your phone, tablet or e-reader.

Look for the mention “MOBI” (for Kindle) or “EPUB” (for all other e-readers) on the preview page of the publication you are interested in (check out to download the book). Or, if you are browsing any of the major online e-reader platforms, such as Smashwords, Apple Books or Amazon, search “FAO”, “Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations” or “FAOoftheUN” to access the growing collection of FAO e-books – available free of charge (or at the minimum cost) on most platforms.

You can also follow @FAOKnowledge on Twitter to stay up to date on our latest e-book releases.

As digital dissemination possibilities continue to develop, FAO remains committed to harnessing as many channels as possible. Stay tuned.

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