FAO in Nepal

Dream Came True While Playing with Mud

Amitab Chaudhary reminds of his bygone days of brick kiln. He says, it was painful to work under the direct heat of sun, and adds that it was painful to see his father and brother working with him. The thought of never ending lifestyle was even more aching to him. He focuses on how willing was he to change the shape of life like the mud changes its shape into a brick. Unfortunately, the nationwide lockdown stopped even that achy source of income. The concern got shifted from changing the nature of work to fulfill the basic needs.

However, Amitabh stood against the situation. As it is believed that every challenge comes with an opportunity, his life life took a turn when he participated in a free mobile repairing training provided by FAO in his hometown, Chandrapur Municipality of Rautahat district. A three month long training changed his pattern of thinking and his way of living. At present, he works in a mobile repairing shop and earns approximately 18,000 per month. Finally, he felt the essence of skills in life for better income. He claims that it was not possible to earn that amount of money had he been working in the brick kiln.

He has been able to save a certain percentage of his income in the finance. In addition, his brother has a meat shop, and his wife has a stall nearby his workstation where she sells spicy items like chatpate and panipuri. The compulsion to work in cold, hot, rainy and every kind of weather to make brick no longer exists and he along with his wife are cherishing their present life.

The initial thought going abroad for foreign employment now has been changed to running a startup and build a home of their own. The behavior of neighbors has been different with the change in his job and financial status. He concludes by saying that a skill has a great strength to change one’s life. The skill to repair mobile has changed his tiresome days working under the open sky to a technical job in a comfortable space.