Podcast: Target Zero Hunger

就相关问题发表的博客,全球粮食安全根本问题的事件和政策。伴随着好奇之心,在最新的研究成果和来自全世界的农民,发展问题专家和决策者的帮助下,每一集都在我们的粮食系统中都洒下了一片光亮,并探索着这样的问题:日益增长的大城市将如何获得他们的食物? 保护森林如何帮助我们消除饥饿?以及改变饮食习惯可以怎样影响我们这个星球上的生物多样性?

We take a closer look at a set of tools that in many ways influence what the future of agriculture will look like. And that set of tools is biotechnology.  [...]
In this second episode of TARGET: Zero Hunger we delve in to the $50-billion world of food fraud and the science used to expose it -- to discover that our [...]
In this first episode of Target: Zero Hunger, we'll explore FAO’s work in emergencies and what it takes to help families produce food in some of the most difficult crisis regions in [...]
A podcast exploring the food security challenges and solutions of our time. Brought to you by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations.
In this final installment of our four-part miniseries of agriculture and sustainability we focus on one of the most important issues facing agriculture and the sustainability of our food systems: climate [...]
